Back again, I seem to be turning into a bit of a yo-yo! I disappeared at the end of January, due to the stresses of uni and work, and life in general, but I'm back now. Thankfully my weight hasn't gone up since January, but it hasn't gone down either. I was diagnosed with PCOS last month, so now I'm quite concerned about my health, and I know I have to do something now rather than later. I'm 22, so I've been diagnosed young, which I'm pleased about, it gives me time to make changes before I'm ready to start a family.
I've been put on Metformin, which is supposed to help with weight loss. I've been on them almost a month now and I can't see any changes as of yet. I guess it takes a while to get in my system. The only down side of them is that my periods have returned after a four year absence. I wanted this to happen, to feel more 'normal' but now that it has, I wish it hadn't! Lol, can't win!
I started taking the Xenical again last month after I was diagnosed with the PCOS, but I mistakenly ate an Indian curry for tea after taking a pill with lunch, and two days later had horrendous side effects. The side effects lasted for around four days, so I stopped taking them to try and get it all out of my system so the side effects would calm down. I've been too scared to try them again, until now.
I'm not taking the pills just yet though, I'm working up to it. I'm aiming to start on Wednesday, which will be the 20th April. I'm back at the doctors on Thursday for my monthly weigh in, which won't be very good. I don't think I'll have lost anything, but hopefully next month will be better.
The support I receive on here is amazing, and it does wonders for my motivation. I really need to stick with it this time, it has to work for me. I need to make sure I come on here regularly, or I know I'll just give up again.
I'm looking forward to getting reacquainted with the old faces, and getting to know the new ones. Hopefully I'll be around for a while