Emmzi's having a go

Stick with it Emzi, it can only get easier and it will all be worth it soon when the scales start to budge! x
weigh in day. I am a bit dissappointed to be honest with 7 pounds, when other people about my size have lost a stone first week :( and I know about four pounds is glycogen anyway.

still, it has been easy to stick to, so let's saddle up for week two!
Hi emmzi, that's really good, you should be thrilled! I had a large loss after week one BUT it was much smaller week two where as you could have a much bigger loss next week and it works out about the same!
Stick with it and you'll be seeing the results in the mirror soon! x
7lb is amazing! I only lost 5lb my first week. Everyone is different, don't get disheartened! you may lose a million lb next week, or the week after. I had a crappy 2lb last week and 7lb this week, mental isn't it!
ok. enough being mopey. Off to mates house for the weekend to watch films and sit in their hot tub :-D

en route I am going to get emergency jeans, my one fitting pair a) are a bit threadbare in places (i.e. where the chubby thighs meet!) and b) don't really fit as the elastane is going and they are way baggy. Pains me to have to buy anything but it's an emergency! Luckily we have a branch of Yours nearby who always have stuff that fits!

Going to whack a curry on with my quorn and veg so I have something to tke with me for dinner. Mates will cope with shakes etc if I have "proper" food to. So looking for bulkiest veg for my 200g so I don't get an interrogation!
Well done emmzi for your loss but also sticking to plan, a lot of ppl cannot cope with the first week but you did and your losses show that :)
Emmzi, 7lbs is a great loss - well done! As has been said, we are all different so you may find another good loss in your second week. What a good idea too about the curry. Veg wise, cauliflower and broccoli may be your best bet.

Enjoy your weekend.
Don't get down about the 7lbs first week. I lost 7.5lbs first week and then 7lbs the following week, Then a low week then 5lbs and 4lbs. Everyone is different and your body will let go of the pounds at it's own pace, but 7lbs is a great start! xx
7lbs is great!!!! As everyone has already said, weightloss is a bit sporadic, and as my old Cambridge councilor would say, dont go by the weekly weigh-in because some weeks are high, some are low - go by the overall monthly loss, which should average about a stone.

Now what other diet do you know where you can lose a stone a month?! Keep at it hunni, you're doing great :)
I did 7lbs the first week. It's a great loss :)
Had to buy work trousers. Managed to go down a size. (Still need a elastic waist due to size of bum vs size of waist...)
ahhh you are all right, looks like we are on track for another big loss this week. However I am going away for the weekend so can't weigh Sat! Will have to be Friday and I think I will be not quite into the 16s by then, boo!!

Yesterday was on the go all day. No time to mix shakes, was going between sites. So had 2 bars, skipped the veg, and a shake and protien when I got in late. Seems to hav been ok, but I hav another long day today. Thankfully a later start. So I am going to make a porridge cake to take with me as well as a bar. I know it is meant to deplete the minerals etc if you leave it before eating, but multivit anyway.
my blood pressure is a little (not ridiculously) high last few days. I know weight loss will help a lot with that. I also believe a low carb high protein diet can affect it. Going to try 3 packs + veg, no extra protein, for a few days, see if that helps. Plus no cola/ coffee. I suspect my longtime plant based vegetarian diet has set my body up to expect many many carbs. Hope it works, or it's off to the doc for me!
Emmzi, well done on sticking to it so well. My hubby's blood pressure was higher than it should have been and as the weight is dropping off (unlike me, his IS dropping off - lucky so and so!), his blood pressure is definately coming down. Hope yours settles down too but if not, you are right to get it checked.

Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks Fran. Glad your man is seeing the benefit!

Last 2 days I actually had a couple of meals with carbs and it has brought my BP right down again! Going to have to think about this - might need to use as meal replacement instead of a total food replacement, so slower loss, but still loss. Or add some extra fruit and veg in. I guess if I did 3 packs + a small veg curry/ casserole and some fruit salad excluding bananas, skipped the extra protien, I'd still be under 1000 cals a day. No ketosis, but still losing.

I really don't want to give up - the meal replacements are cheap and at last, *tasty*!! I might need to drop a little more weight and get to a normal BP before I try a full on plan though.

I'll see how I go over the weekend...

Thankfully although this'll be a "no lose" week, I haven't put on. Which tells me my 7 pounds off is proper fat off! Yay!
weeknd off plan. No weight gain. Starting again today. Off site for ork, have pre ordered mushroom omlette for lunch as least dangerous/ weird looking!
I do that, and I'm actually doing that all showered and tucked up nice and comfy with a litre of water :)
*sleepy yawn* Delivery man just been. Oh well, now I do not need to wait in for him!!

This time around I have ordered lots of porridge as it's the only one that make a "decent" (ie just firm enough) cake that I can take to work so I have 2 not-needing-mixed things in the day. Can't face packing a blender in my bag/all the faff of doing stuff in works kitchen. So that might help.

After another non compliant week I am ready to start again. More times I get on the horse, more chance of learning to ride, I guess.

I also need to go to Boots for vitamins. Cannot get the damn own brand boot or S&S vits down me. I seem to recall Sanatogen had smaller ones I could manage!

I have the girls for the weekend so will be making my cajun quorn + mushroom thing tonight (cajun seasoning, mushies and spinach dry fried)