Ems Diary, week 14 in a lot more to go...

Wey hey look at you in your leggings and top

Very trendy ~ you dont look mutton dressed as lamb I have loads of those tops (size 20 wey hey) and I am 50 in the summer. Not got the leggings as I am toooooo big (still 24 bottom pear shaped or what !!!) but going for the retro look big time

Just ordered leopard skin wedge shoes from the net ~ they are wicked really really really trendy and a bag to match

So if people dont like the fat old bird dressed young well thats tough !!!! I like them and thats all what matters

I know you will miss your daughter but concentrate on you and hubby having some "me" time together. I do feel baby on the way now that you have lost weight ~ you never know ~ one of my friends had given up all hope of having a baby failed IVF etc etc and she was adopting. As soon as the papers came through she got pregnant ~ it was like a miracle and now she has two beautiful daughters of around the same age so how freaky is that !!

Have a lovely weekend and eat sensibly but allow yourself just a little treat

luv luv
oh wow Shaza, that's so cool for your friends, I have friends who that has happened too as well, it's weird and fab but cruel at the same time why couldn't it have happened in the first place rather than causing all the anguish?

love the sound of your shoes and bag, wow won't you look cool.

It's day 105 and I am very pleased and proud to report that I pretty much stayed on CD whilst we were away.
I had a rasher of bacon and a poached egg for breakfast each day and my tetra and a litre of water. and each morning I left some because it was too fillling. then I had water and tetra for lunch whilst Mike had a snack. and then in the evening I tried to stick to my meat and veg. the first night I had Salmon and crab with a huge salad and managed to even avoid the very tempting home baked bread roll and then shared a blackcurrant sorbet with Mike which was lovely and I don't think too bad. and on the 2nd night we had a chinese and I had the tastiest ever hot sweet and sour prawns, wow with veg. both evenings I had to leave loads because I was full and that's a major achievement because I wouldn't ever leave anything ever! and yes, I know I wasn't the angel I could have been but I enjoyed what I had and feel that I did really well considering. the only tricky moment was when I saw a gorgeous coffee cake when I was buying yet another bottle of water and soooooooooo wanted it, but I had a chat in my head and realised it wouldn't be that nice and there will be time for those sort of rare treats next year, not now.

so that's the food thing. we did so much, it was amazing and so relaxing. we let ourselves wake up naturally, 8am one day and 8.45am the other day (and to anyone who doesn't have kids, yes, that is a major lie in). then we would read the paper after breakfast, what a luxury. and then we would go out and about. the first day we went to Leeds castle which is amazing, definitely worth a visit and we will take Rachel there because she'll love it. we walked for about 3 hours just seeing everything and soaking up all there was to see. then we went to some organic gardens I had been recommended, and walked around those for another hour or so before finding a little sun trap and managing to catch some rays. that evening we walked all around Maidstone, mostly trying to find a chinese, but also enjoying the warm evening. then yesterday we went to three different national trust places (getting the most out of our memberships) and walked for england. in the end Mike begged me to slow down because his legs were killing him, I could have kept going, what a change and so nice. and so then we pottered back to mum and dads. I was so desperate to see Rachel I can't tell you, I was missing her really badly from yesterday lunchtime onwards. and then when we got to there's they weren't there. so we walked off to the local park to meet them and I got the biggest smile and kiss and cuddle ever, it was lovely. it's great to have couple time but just as fab to see our little angel again.

and so this morning I thought I would just step on the scales and see what the damage was, wasn't going to but it is weigh in day today (although CDC is away for the next 2 weeks) and boy was I shocked and stunned and oh so pleased to see that I had obviously done enough walking to make up for the food, I have stayed the same as last week
so that probably means I lost 2lbs in the week and then put them back on over the weekend, but that's a great result as far as I'm concerned.

right, that's more than enough waffling, time to get Rachels lunch ready before she wakes. happy bank holiday everyone, hope you aren't all looking out of the window at rain like I am, when's it going away again?
wow, Rachels been asleep for 3 hours and I have only just gotten to my diary after finishing and submitting assignment, sending all the emails I owed people, sorted out babysitter for friday (church thing suddenly sprung on me), making her lunch, posting to everyone else and drinking 2 litres.

so now I have no time of course.

so what was I going to write? no idea, where's my head these days?

oh yes, oa was great last night and I now have a sponsor which is really nice because I have someone who will follow the programme with me. she's lovely and we get on really well and I know it will be great for me. I think she's excited too because this'll be the first time she's been a sponsor.

what else? well we went to supermarket this morning and I didn't even sniff the bread aisle twice
and then when we got back it didn't look like it would rain so we went for a 45min cycle to the lake, round it and back the long way. it was fab and rachel almost dropped off in the seat, so sweet.

oh yes, and got a size 18 top at supermarket and it's gorgeous. deep peachy pink and lovely, I feel so cool. have to stop buying though because it's all going to add up even if they are all under £5 each. thank god can ebay them afterwards.

have to run, might have to wake rachel in a few minutes
half way there hey Bambi, wish I was, it seems like I have forever still to go, although of course where THERE is I am still not sure.
sorry, having another bad day and this time because Rachel woke at 6 in a right old tantrumming mood. and then I thought I would have a quick stand on scales and OMG they're not moving and might even be going up and yet I am being good as gold. it's not fair, really unfair and of course it makes me want to eat and eat and eat. I am going to do everything in my power to resist but bloody hell it's just not blumin fair!!! It must be TOTM related because I'm downing my 5litres every day and not cheating at all. I hate it when this happens. And yes, I know, I know, it'll be gone next week and at least I don't have a wi this week so it won't be showing on any official data, but holy heck, this is torture.
you know what's weird though, the inches are dropping off. just had a measure for first time in about 3 weeks and fricking hell, how did I loose 6 inches off my hips in under a month and not really notice it? that means I have lost 91 inches in total now, wow!! 21 from waist, 23 from hips and 13 from bust (with rest from upper arms and thighs). I have to keep focussed on the inches going, probably muscle building from all my exercise and the fact that the scales will catch up.
I'm right aren't I? please tell me I'm not going mad and the scales will catch up. old timer needs some encouragement! :eek: