Em's diary

Thanks Diamond, hopefully this week will see some of the last bit off, am feeling ready for conso, but want to make my target first.

Shopping again this weekend, hopefully to find the outfit for my brother's wedding (the event that inspired me to start on dukan) which is 4 weeks on saturday. We're going to John Lewis and indulging in the (free) personal shopper service they have. Very excited, and really want to find something special.
Oooo have a great time shopping - lots of pics :D

Will there be lots of people at the wedding who havnt seen the new you?
There will actually be a really healthy bunch of people who I've not seen since before I started on dukan. It all depends on whether my mum's been able to keep schtum on my weightloss up till now, but either way I think there'll be a bit of double taking :D
well i've finally relented and pulled out the old laptop. it's not been used in over 2 years, so several virus scans and a couple of defrags later i've got it nearly useable. It had a glass of champagne spilled over the keyboard at one point and several of the keys don't work, so i need an external keyboard plugged in but i've ordered a new one on ebay, so hopefully i'll be a bit more mobile again soon too.

Figured I'd better get back to posting my menus so:
B: half cinnamon galette
L: 2 slices turkey meatloaf, 200g turkey & 100g prawns in luc lac marinade
S: rest of galette
D: fillet baked salmon, 150g slow cooked beef, quarter yoghurt cake
S: 125g sweetened quark with half a toffee muller

by the way - on the great yoghurt debate, not only is quark half the price of total 0% greek yoghurt, it's also half the carbs and just as thick and creamy. i'm officially converted.

also - damn to hell the daily mail and its dukan-mongering. no oatbran on sainsburys shelves today, and i'm betting tesco is the same. i have one bag in reserve at the moment, so desperately need a restock!
I'm in the same situation as you, about to open my last bag of oatbran and tesco is completely out, couldn't find any in asda. I'll have to call in to tesco every day to catch them when it comes in.
Hey lovely to read you Emma... and fancy drinking champagne over your keyboard (you must be posher than me!)...

As for the oatbran shortage, what a pain?! I remember there being an issue here at one point too, but I tried three or four organic shops on my way home and ended up finding it.

I am out of konjac noodles, however... and wondered whether people were still eating them given the Japan. Can we trust them now?
I see Holland and barrett are now stocking Julian Graves brand oat bran online, so presumably JG has it too.
Right pain i used to pass both on my way home, now only pass an asda, which is massive and takes me hours to find anything(gave up trying to find cottage cheese), so glad I have an unopened bag.

Hope your mum hasnt spilled the beans too much Em, will be exciting to get lots of double takes, and great if people youre not so keen to chat with dont recognise you, an excuse to ignore them back :D
I feel quite relieved that I bought 6 bags in Tesco last time it was 3 for 2! It's mad but I feel quite panicky if I know I am running short!
Me too mouse - last time I went shopping for bran I came out with 10 bags, and nothing else! don't know what the lady at the till must have thought!
Oh how funny! I often wonder what they must think about the contents of my shopping basket! 'Yes madam, 10 tubs of quark and three chickens,' very balanced -)
Most of the time I'll go through self checkout, feel better knowing I've avoided any scrutiny from people behind and checkout staff!
I am worse than a reformed smoker with other peoples baskets and trolleys though! I have never been one for processed food as I like to cook like you. Still I peer at what other people have and am amazed at the amount of processed food and ready meals and if they look overweight I allow myself a knowing thought :)
They probably couldn't care less about what I have in my trolley and probably wouldn't know what half the stuff was if they never cook!

My people watching could have got me a smack on the nose one day on the train going home from work. I was sat at a table opposite a very large young lady and she was sat there for the whole journey stuffing her face with jelly babies. I was practically having to sit on my hands as what I wanted to do was grab the bag form her and ask her why she was putting all that crap inside her body considering the size of her!! I managed to resist.

I tried to tell myself that I wish someone had said something to me about my weight in the past - as maybe I wouldn't have pile it on so well! - but of course this is rubbish - in reality I would have been very upset if anyone had said anything to me!! I remember when I went to the hospital whilst pregnant with my DS and a young doctor said to me 'has anyone spoken to you about your weight?' He didn't dare mention it again - and in fact couldn't, having had half his head bitten off :)
Worry not about what people think about your quark + chicken trolleys until you've been through with 10 x dulcolax and 10 x sure deodorants!! ;)

I too am very good at policing other people's trolleys, and admit to having the same thoughts as Mouse when I see someone overweight pushing a trolley load of happiness rubbish.

I also very nearly adopted a Jehovah's Witness type attitude when I'd see a girl with a "pretty face" who could sooo have done with my help ;)

Perhaps we can go door knocking together next week Mouse!!
I think i'm the only fat person who shops at my usual sainsburys(mostly students and elderly people).

But the asda near work is full of people I'm amazed can get through the door and yes there is a marked difference between what is in the baskets.

If anyone ever approached me about dieting in the supermarket I'd probably end up ordering a shops worth of cake and biscuits to be delivered and eaten alone.
I think i'm the only fat person who shops at my usual sainsburys(mostly students and elderly people).

But the asda near work is full of people I'm amazed can get through the door and yes there is a marked difference between what is in the baskets.

If anyone ever approached me about dieting in the supermarket I'd probably end up ordering a shops worth of cake and biscuits to be delivered and eaten alone.

Me too!
Ha, I find judgement comes easily to me, so the supermarket is a done deal, though it's usually cast upon people who can't control their unruly (and loud) children!

Crappy day at work today, am really glad it's friday tomorrow!

B: half cinnamon galette
L: fillet baked salmon, quarter chicken quiche
S: rest of galette, quarter yoghurt cake
D: 1/3 roast chicken with roast butternut squash, red onion, garlic & courgette with mum's bbq sauce
S: 125g sweetened quark with half toffee muller
Oh, and I wish I could buy 10 tubs of quark at the moment, sainsburys out of that too. I'm surprised they had any chickens left to be honest!
Flipping Oatbran!!! Hubbie finally got it from Holland and Barratt..... Was getting so low and panicking.
Wonder how many 1/2 pkts will sit in people's cupboards?
Hope your day is better tom xx

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Joy of joys! Sainsburys have restocked and i've a reserve of 2kg oatbran in my cupboard again, phew! They had quark in too so i've stocked up there as well.

Really looking forward to shopping tomorrow, hope we find something - it'll be nice to have that sorted.

So glad it's the weekend, this week has felt like a really long one.

B: half cinnamon galette
L: chicken salad (out with friend) plus 1/8 chicken quiche
S: rest of galette, quarter yoghurt cake
D: 1/3 roast chicken with roast squash, red onion, garlic & courgette all smothered in mum's bbq sauce
S: 125g sweetened quark

i'd forgotten how good that bbq sauce is - if you've not tried it yet give it a go - it's dead easy and keeps well too because of the vinegar.