So, I've just realised that the last time I posted on my diary was week 9! And it wasn't a very positive post! So I thought I should post an update...
I am almost 6 months in to SnS now, and I have finally reached......NORMAL BMI!!!!
I have lost just over 4 and half stone, and I don't think the reality of it has really sunk in yet. I definitely don't feel like a 'normal' sized person. So this is going to take a bit of getting used to, after being so big for so long. I will admit it is starting to feel good though, and my friends are just amazed at what I have achieved.
I decided that my ultimate goal of 10 stone was not going to happen in time for my holiday so moved it to 11stone, which I am still on track for. However I did start to refeed this week as I think my body has got to the point where it has had enough of the diet. Ever since Christmas (I had 2 weeks off), I have struggled to get back on the diet. Whether it is because I know I am closer to goal which I know makes it harder or just not in the right frame of mind I don't know. But despite feeling hungry ALL the time (sounded like there was a bear living in my stomach!), craving food ALL the time and my losses slowing right down, I have stuck to it 100% since Christmas and have managed to lose almost a stone.
This I made the decision to start the re-feeding process this week, because I feel like I am ready (although it does scare me a little after 6 months!). I'm really keen to get on with the next phase of my weight loss and cant wait to be cooking healthy meals and exercising (I feel like I am almost craving exercise!). Needless to say, after loosing almost 5 stone I need a fair bit of toning, and I think this will help me to notice my weight loss even more and to feel more comfortable in my own body. Also I wanted to start the re-feed with plenty of time to go before my holiday so my body can get used to food again, without it coming as too much of a shock when I get on that cruise ship! Plus there is Valentines Day next week, and although we aren't planning anything indulgent, it would be nice to have a little something for a treat.
No doubt I will be back on SnS fully after my cruise, as I read somewhere that people gain on average 1lb per day on cruises and I'm there for 2 weeks! ARGH!!!! I am going to try very hard to make good choices but it will be very hard with so much yummy food around! But will also make sure to keep busy and make use of the gym and prom deck which will hopefully help lessen the damage lol.
I think that is it from me for now. But I just want to say to all those new and starting out, stick at it! It will be so worth it in the end and after a while it doesn't even feel like a diet, it just becomes a way of life and second nature so you don't even really think about it. 6 months is quite a while, but it really doesn't seem like it to me. So don't give up