Weighed myself this morning and am now 149lb. Only put on 2lb over the past terrible week!
Very pleased with that.
Had a very good day yesterday though, so that's probably helped! (Breakfast: Weetabix, Lunch: Chicken Salad, Dinner: Garlic Chicken with Spinach, cherry tomatoes and sweet potato wedges).
Tomorrow my sister has decided to start the diet with me. She did it a few weeks ago for a while and lost about 12lb in 3 weeks but then she had deadlines at uni and hasn't been eating well again! So tonight we're going to Nando's for a last tasty meal before we start properly, although to be honest Nando's is probably the healthiest of all these types of places depending what you have!
I've decided I need to actually post on here more often, and about what foods I have eaten each day. That was the idea in the first place, but I just forget or get distracted by other things!! So I'll be back later today to tell you what I've eaten (If I remember!!!)