Hi valentine, nope, no drawbacks whatsoever that I can think of?
I wasn't a huge pasta/bread fan to be honest, I think the only things I do miss on occasion are potatoes but found good substitutes using various veg!
I've learnt to recreate a lot of my favourite recipes but just using other items as carb replacements. The benefits far outweigh the negatives!
I no longer feel bloated, tired, have dry skin, get sugar dips mid afternoon or get hungry etc...
It makes you naturally drink more water which is great for skin and speedy weight loss too and it's sustainable!
It is the most natural way to eat I think if you read into and do it properly! I don't miss out on any vitamins, minerals or end up with clogged arteries etc contrary to the belief of some who haven't bothered reading the science behind it.
If you do start I recommend you read Gary Taubes 'Why we get fat and what to do about it' a breakthrough book that blows all the government eat less, low fat, low sugar rubbish out of the water! That is what's making the nation fat and diabetic! He has some you tube clips that he's done if you look :0)
All in all I highly recommend it, and I've carried on with this loss along with giving up smoking on January 1st....
I've been following the plan since November, put on 7lbs over Christmas but lost just over a stone since then.
J x
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