Green flecks!!!!what on earth are they there for???
So do you now just buy shakes and then get the bars separately?
4 sleeps to go til day 1!! can't wait
triage999 said:Hiya Marge thanks for that :0) my willpower is good at the moment but still only day 2!!
Dust queen, we are virtually the same stats too, and I'm loving the extra quarter inches and three quarter pounds!!! Everything counts at our height/weight doesn't it!!!
Well day 2 over and done with, just forced down third pack of the day and really didn't want it with finishing work at this hour but thought I'd better for nutrition etc.....
Almost half way through the first week already!! Need to stop craving silly food items though I have to say!!! that'll be the TOTM though I'm guessing :0(
Night all x
triage999 said:Morning all,
Well thought I'd check in while I sit here on day 3 with my toffee, nut and raisin bar and black coffee!
The bar is much nicer than the Choc Orange that I ate (got poisoned by) yesterday morning thankfully!
Another day today, not sure if I'm in Ketosis at the moment or not, and it is still early days but I'm not headachy or cold today which is good, and I've stopped craving silly things.....which is unheard of as I'm still early on in TOTM.
I'm also struggling to eat my bar this morning which is ridiculous considering the small amount of food I've been consuming on TS
My man is doing it with me for a month for support bless him and he's already lost 3.5lbs in two days but I'm not weighing until next Monday! And he did announce this morning that he thinks he's in (MIXAMATOSIS) I really couldn't stop laughing....
He's been on night shifts this week and said the first two were horrendous as he was starving but last night he just didn't fancy anything at all!
Right off to clean as on two days off now before weekend working
Have a fab day everyone!
J x
Day four over and done with! Feeling really grouchy today though and craving a certain food for the last 2 days (thanks to the damn rotisserie counter in Sainsbury yesterday).....
Oh well, off to bed now, so I can't think about it anymore!! Can't I just be put into an induced sleep for three months and tube fed my packs???
G'night all x