Well I crumbled!! I have been so rough over the weekend, feeling really lethargic, diarrhoea and nausea, shakes, clammy hot sweats and palpatations etc and to top it of I have started with horrendous acidy stuff too in my stomach and throat!
I'm not ill ill, I just don't feel at all right!
Just needed to eat something normal! So last night had egg fried rice and dried aromatic ribs which was absolutely fab!! I was gutted about taking myself our of ketosis but the feeling rough part swung in the balance and was a greater need!
After eating I felt revived, more energy, no acid and slept really well!! And this morning I feel as right as rain!!
I don't want to put it down to Exante but not had that ever before!
Anyway, WI today, 10st 12lbs so not bad considering I've eaten for England over the weekend! And only 1lb on since eating! 2lb loss thus week but I'm taking the pressure of and not rushing......
My goal is to not go back over 11st...!!!!
Back on it today, next four days will be tough getting back into ketosis!
Hope you all have a fab day xx
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