Wednesday 26th -
Breakfast: Coffee & Marmite & cheese pitta
1 HEXB (OK bit of a tweak there

Lunch: Leftover Egyptian red lentil soup, with mixed veg crudites
Tea: Leftover falafels with pumpkin hummus, spicy lemon & mint dip, salad & white asparagus
2.5 syns for gram flour, tahini & yoghurt
Snacks: Mini banana, nectarines, apple, pears
Was looking for the toasted pitta recipe but couldn't find it so I just made a cheese & Marmite pitta. Think I overdid the Marmite a bit

Doesn't 'sink' into the bread like it does on normal toast

Also a bit disappointed with the Low Low. First time I've tried it and it still does that slimy slippery thing. The Tesco 30% reduced fat is better. Cheated a bit on the pitta as its Tesco, not ASDA/Co-op, but looking at the bag it had more fibre, less calories and weighed less, so I by-passed any SW-pseudo-logic and thought "Sod It".
(It's not burnt btw, that's the Marmite...

Tea was leftover falafels from Sat. They dont microwave well

I didn't eat all mine. Whipped up some more pumpkin hummus and spicy lemon dip though, both lush as ever :drool:
WTF with that asparagus? Dunno if I overcooked it or it was old or what?

Probably a bit of both. Really watery and the layers were all slippery over each other and pretty tough except at the very tip. I chucked the rest of it away. The b/f looked astonished and asked why I did that, it was really expensive etc etc. I said "cos I didnt like it, did you?" He says "well, no, but..." :sigh: Besides, *I* was the one who paid for it so, frankly, p*** off!