Erm's Photo Diary

Wednesday 09th - Green

Breakfast: 2 coffees before I had to leg it <1 HEXA
Lunch: nada as I was out marching all bladdy day
Tea 1: Flask of leftover Spanish lentil soup I was meant to eat on the demo 2.5 syns
Tea 2: Tea number 1 didn't even *think about* filling me up so I had a big bowl of salad 3 syns for dressing, plus 6 Finn Crisp 1 HEXB with 5 Laughing Cow Blue Cheese 1 HEXA
Snacks: Nowt. Oh, a coffee at Moorgate which tasted like full fat milk but sod that after walking a gazillion miles :rolleyes: I can't mooooooooooooooooooooove! :(

No piccies. Unless youre interested in pics of undercover cops, riot police looking bummed at not having beaten anyone up yet etc etc etc.
ermintrude said:
Wednesday 09th - Green

Breakfast: 2 coffees before I had to leg it <1 HEXA
Lunch: nada as I was out marching all bladdy day
Tea 1: Flask of leftover Spanish lentil soup I was meant to eat on the demo 2.5 syns
Tea 2: Tea number 1 didn't even *think about* filling me up so I had a big bowl of salad 3 syns for dressing, plus 6 Finn Crisp 1 HEXB with 5 Laughing Cow Blue Cheese 1 HEXA
Snacks: Nowt. Oh, a coffee at Moorgate which tasted like full fat milk but sod that after walking a gazillion miles :rolleyes: I can't mooooooooooooooooooooove! :(

No piccies. Unless youre interested in pics of undercover cops, riot police looking bummed at not having beaten anyone up yet etc etc etc.

What was the march you were on? xx
Hi do you have the recipies for lentil salad, looks delish :D and the tandori chicken and lamb kebabs? hehehe, they also look amazing :D

Mmm Lentil salad is here

Tandoori chicken:
Serves 4
24h for marinade

- 2 chicken breasts
- 4 heaped tbsp fat free yoghurt
- 1 tsp mild chilli powder
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp grated ginger
- 4 tbsp tandoori masala

Mint drizzle:
- 1 bunch mint
- 1 small clove garlic, roughly chopped
- 5cm piece cucumber, peeled and cubed
- 150g plain low-fat yogurt
- 1 squeeze lemon juice
- 1 pinch fine sea salt & freshly ground black pepper

1) Prepare mint drizzle:
- Whizz everything, chill until ready to serve.

2) Prepare chicken:
- Dice chicken
- Put garlic & salt in a P&M & crush to a paste. Mix into chicken well
- Mix rest of ingredients and mix thoroughly with chicken to coat.
- When ready to cook heat oven to 190C/170Cfan/gas 5, thread chicken pieces on a stick if desired, place in tray and cook for 20min (or just BBQ it!)

mmm can't find the brochette recipe :confused: Will get back to you if I do...
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Thursday 10th - Green

Breakfast: Coffee & Toast 1 HEXA, 1 HEXB, 2 syns
Lunch: Hummus with mixed crudites and big bowl of salad 3 syns for dressing;
Lunch 2: Tomatoes, cheese 1 HEXA & 2 syns plus mad pickle gorge on onions, cabbage, gherkins, SW piccalilli etc
Tea: Chilli con carne on kabocha squash. 2 syns for tom puree & chocolate, 1 HEXB & 2 syns for extra lean mince.
Snacks: Apple, nectarines

Bit of a balls up today. Was supposed to be fish & chips until I found I had nothing to make chips with (except swede which tasty as it is would not give me my fish n chips fix) so I got a box of frozen chilli outta the freezer that i was gonna have tomorrow and roasted some squash to put it on. Soooo was gonna swap to a red day instead and HEX the kidney beans until I realised I had had chickpeas & cheese for lunch :confused: So ummed and ahhed about EE/Red but given I had all that cheeeeese synning the mince was 'cheaper' - and lets face it Im eating the bladdy thing now whatever colour ya call it :rolleyes:

Was diviiiiiiine though! :drool: God I *love* kabocha squash! Its like a really waxy potato but feels like youre eating something really buttery and oily even though youre not, ommmmmmm! :drool:


Oh! And I also I found it's actually the skin that tastes so waxy. Last time I had it in a stew and thought it was the whole thing, but its not, the middle goes soft, almost like a paste, but the skin stays really thick and just tastes like oily waxy potato, almost cheesy, it would go amazingly with cheese in fact!!! Mmm must try that! :drool:
did you get the kabocha squash from waitrose or was it from a market? x
Hi Erms. I finally made the celeriac chips today. They were okay but didn't look as nice as yours. Mine were a bit peely wally. Maybe I should use some kind of spice on them?? Anyways I am jn a right picky mood and have put on 2 lb in the last three weeks which is a lot considering how long it takes me to just lose 2! Things not getting any better either- craving all the wrong things. Xxx
OMG Erm that chilli and squash looks amazing. I still only can find butternut squash around here :rolleyes: the people of northants only seem to eat boring veggies :rolleyes: one day...
Oh and I went to find the greengrocers and they were not there anymore :cry: most frustrating.

How are you sweetie? you are sounding like positive Erm again :bighug:

Love your food piccie, just makes me wanna pack my bags and turn up on the doorstep :D xxxxxx
Awww hello lovelies :)

@ lucyloo yeah I usually put piri piri shake on them which makes them yum :) Last night I had double chips though (potato ones and celeriac ones) and just had them plain with loaaaads of S&V and they were actually really good, I was surprised! Also made the SW chip-shop style curry sauce which I was pretty dubious about at first but it was yumtastic! Ill post about it in a bit when Ive uploaded me photies :) Yow weight on, tell me about it :rolleyes: I swear its gravity or summat :whistle: Weight was fab for WI day but its gone all a bit tits up again, I put it *all* back on *overnight*! :eek: :( Ive ordered some new scales as Im not sure I trust these any more, they say the b/f has put half a stone on which I'm not convinced about :confused:

@ Jackie, helloooo! :) How are you doing, finally found your food diary again, its cos Im in the wrong room, I keep looking for it in the, er, food diary room :D Squashes, maybe you could try one of those veg box companies? Pretty expensive though i guess, We did it briefly but I like to be able to decide what veg Im gonna have instead of a box of randomers!

Lamb rack for tea, very poash!!! Never had it before, hope I dont cremate it! :p
I have never had a lamb rack either :eek: wouldn't know how to cook it and knowing me i'd over cook it :rolleyes:

We tried the veggie box before. admittedly before I was doing sw and didn't like alot of what they gave us. I guess now I might.... I seem to remember throwing every squash away as didn't like the look of them :8855: now I'd be in heaven :D funny how we change isn't it?

I need to go back to more red days, the carbs bloat me, yet I love them :cry: yesterday I had potatoes with the knorr stock cubes ( roasties) omg they were divine, and I had beans on toast at lunch, today I show a 2lb gain :eek: weigh day monday so red day weekend.

I have a butternut squash in and a huge celeriac so can have some chippies :D xxxxxxxx
Righty, here we go:

Friday 11th - Green

Breakfast: Coffee & Toast 1 HEXA, 1 HEXB, 2 syns
Lunch: Nowt
Tea Fish, double chips & mushy peas with SW chip-shop style curry sauce 1 HEXB & 13.5 syns :eek: :faint2:

What the bladdy hell do they put in this?! :eek: I know its got breadcrumbs but Jayzus... Even on Red it's 12 syns! 12!!! :eek: Yowza, I wouldn't have bought it if Id known. I swear I've had breaded fish before that was nowhere near as bad as this one :confused: Boo! :( Still, no lunch so almost within my syns for the day :D
Snacks: Pineapple

This chip shop style curry sauce, when I was cooking it I was SERIOUSLY not convinced, I was thinking "I dunno what kind of chippies you guys go to but ours aren't like this..." :confused:


But it was yumtastic! Im not sure Id call it a chip shop curry sauce but it was very tasty, would be great for snacks and for dipping wedges in and stuff. Ive got some left over so Ill prob have it for lunch :)

Oh, cooking these chips though, it smelt DIVINE, the house smelt like Xmas!!! :drool:


I did double chips, some out of a potato I got at the farmers' market that Id forgotten I had (that are 'named after' me (or vice versa... :rolleyes: Yeah, Im just a great big spud, me :D ) The guy on the stall said they were fab for that sort of thing and OMG was he right! Couldn't believe they weren't really roasted in lard!!! :drool: The other half I did out of celeriac which were also great in just S&V, I've only ever done them spicy before, but they went great with the curry sauce. (Burnt em a bit though :eek: ) The fish was fab too, deffo worth the syns as a one off. Its not fish in batter but still a seriously yumnacious tea!

I had to pop top Waitrose for the celeriac as Tesco didnt fetch me any AGAIN, (I dont know why they even list it tbh :confused: ) And I got me a second rack of lamb too, having seen how squeeny they actually are :D And THEN I went a-browsing...

Jeez I *so* dont mind paying the delivery charge! Seriously it saves me a FORTUNE cos I SPENT a bladdy fortune having been let loose in bladdy Waitrose :rolleyes: It always smells amazing in there :drool: but I managed to keep away from buying the bread smell, the cheese smell and god knows what it was that smelt like it should have been my bladdy dinner :sigh:
But I did fetch hom a pile of stuff that I did NOT go in there for (and how I do not know as I didnt even remember my bladdy shopping list :rolleyes: )

Kept seeing all these interesting things like those old fashioned marzipan fruits and liquid sugar coated jelly sweets and chocolate liqueurs in the shape of mini bottles that we used to eat at Xmas in the 80's... so I picked a couple of things up to take to my mum's for Xmas, and some wine for Saturday. Oh and ANOTHER bladdy squash looked at me so I felt sorry for it and fetched it home!!! :eek: Great big huge thing! Im almost out of my fave kabocha and I remember Honey saying these big pale green ones were similar so I fetched it home, Ive already got a couple but hey, what's one more... :rolleyes: Crown prince squash its called.

Then I got back and couldnt get up the bladdy stairs! :eek: Shopping too heavy! So when I finally got in the house I thought Id weigh it and compare it to how much Ive lost - it weighed 2 stone - and Ive lost over 6!!! How did I used to be able to get *myself* up the stairs?!?! :eek: AND the shopping?! :faint2:

Aaaanyway, so off to peruse the recipe for tonight, see if there's anything Im supposed to do early, toodle pip x :)
OMG Erm that tea :eek: I want it please, pretty please :D I now want fish :D which recipe was the chip shop curry sauce, was it the mushy pea curry one?

Sainsburys do a curry sauce in a ketchup style bottle that is divine and 1.5 syns a tablespoon which I find about enough :D

Waitrose is lethal. I love mooching round there but OMG I always spend money, big money as I love their food so much :D

I have never had a lamb rack either :eek: wouldn't know how to cook it and knowing me i'd over cook it :rolleyes:

We tried the veggie box before. admittedly before I was doing sw and didn't like alot of what they gave us. I guess now I might.... I seem to remember throwing every squash away as didn't like the look of them :8855: now I'd be in heaven :D funny how we change isn't it?

I need to go back to more red days, the carbs bloat me, yet I love them :cry: yesterday I had potatoes with the knorr stock cubes ( roasties) omg they were divine, and I had beans on toast at lunch, today I show a 2lb gain :eek: weigh day monday so red day weekend.

I have a butternut squash in and a huge celeriac so can have some chippies :D xxxxxxxx

Heh, well I'm following Honey's instructions but Im a bit dubious Ill be able to manage it, I tend to "burn" *everything*, well it's not burnt in my book, I think things *should* look, er 'brown' round the edges... my shade of brown my be different to other peoples, thats all :whistle: bit nervous as I do like meat fairly rare if Im in a restaurant and the b/f likes his pretty much raw... I dont know how I can cook something about 1cm thick without it instantly being no-longer-rare :rolleyes: So we shall see... :cool: I also dont even own a non-stick frying pan... Ive got a cheapo Eastern skillet thang so Im gonna try that.

Veggie boxes I tried Abel & Cole ages back but it did seem expensive, but then supermarkets have shot up so I suppose its all pretty similar these days. :confused: I just like to plan what Im eating the week ahead and only one meal will be a meat and veg thing usually. And we dont eat many potatoes, like you I tend to put loads on on the weeks I do so Ive seriously cut them back now Ive discovered celeriac and stuff :( They were *divine* last night though! Still, didnt mind having half and half celeriac/potato! Maybe Ill give it a another go, have a couple of days set aside for experiments-on-what-the-veggie-box sends me :D Agh celeriac I bought another FIVE yesterday! :rolleyes: Aaaaaand the squash... :eek: Get yer act together Tesco!

ooh I bought some of those Knorr stock pots, was it you that posted a lucnh recipe thing using one of those? I forget what the recipe was now, and I was gonna have it for lunch this week, duh... :confused:
I did use the knorr veggie one in a) lentil and bacon soup and b) cheese and onion pitta pasty? yum yum yum you must try them Erm :D

I don't think I'd cook a lamb rack well then cos my food tends to be brown round the edges mainly because I like it that way most of the time. :) Also because I had food poisoning about 25 years ago and never forgot how ill it made me so I over cook everything :rolleyes:

I am tempted to try a veggie box again.... Round here I just cannot get much unusual veg :( even at waitrose. Very disappointing :( it really is. You could have some fun Erm planning meals around the veggie box?? xxxxx
OMG Erm that tea :eek: I want it please, pretty please :D I now want fish :D which recipe was the chip shop curry sauce, was it the mushy pea curry one?

Sainsburys do a curry sauce in a ketchup style bottle that is divine and 1.5 syns a tablespoon which I find about enough :D

Waitrose is lethal. I love mooching round there but OMG I always spend money, big money as I love their food so much :D


Yeah the chip shop curry sauce one, 1 tin of tomatoes, 1 tin mushy peas, 1 finely copped & fried onion, 1 stock cube and 4 tbsp curry powder. I put a big splash of water in, about 100-150ml, prob a bit too much. Nearly didn't put any in at all.

The Sains curry sauce, yeah Ive got some! I tried it for the first time last night! Its not in the pic cos I forgot about it (for the fiftieth time :rolleyes: ) til Id started my tea... EVERY time I make chips I intend to try it and its been here for months! :D Finally got round to trying it last night, it was nice, yeah... I expected to want a lot more of it than I did, I only had 1 tbsp, but I had the other curry sauce too so didnt need it really. tbh I thought it was just like mayo with curry powder in and wondered whether to just make my own with curry powder & Hellmann's extra light?
actually I think you could :D good idea then have as strong as you wanted it :D

I preferred the chip shop curry sauce made with a tin of beans, a tin of mushy peas, think I put a chopped red onion in too....... I didn't use a tin of tomatoes thats for sure xxxxx