Not evil at all
Nah, I think its only fair tbh, if you wrote or drew something or made a piece of music and then people kept splashing it about for free all over the internet rather than buying the book you wouldnt be happy. Most authors/musicians get naff all as a percentage anywaySo I think its OK to post a few recipes to encourage people to buy the book if they like it, but not cool to start to post the entire damn book
Or if youve heavily edited a recipe its OK too i think as long as you reference the original it came from. (I mean morally OK obviously - at the end of the day its against the rule even of this forum to be copying and pasting recipes like there's no tomorrow
Chicken, mm tbh I think its just so nice on its own I dont see the point adding chicken just for the sake of it. There are endless Massaman recipes out there you can try, this one just works so well as it is I dont see any need to add or change anything. Its a bit like having the most divine creamy luxury ice cream ever and someone saying "d'ya wanna flake with that?"Or BOGOF on champagne - getting a can of Stella free :8855:
Its from a veggie cookbook btw so all the flavours are put together to let you taste the flavour of the veggies. (Look away now people who throw up at the thought of S*p*free)
I do all my piracy in secret, like a ninja! I see where you are coming from though. You don't want to get in trouble just because you posted a few recipes. You shouldn't worry - you haven't photocopied the entire book and started selling it on a street corner. I didn't realise you'd already posted a lot of the recipes from this book when I asked if I could steal it
Maybe I will just leave it as it is then, will be a first for me. We made a veg curry the other day and I had to chuck chicken in there because I was scared it wouldn't feel like a curry without meat