Everyday's a SW day :) x

Ooooh funsize ripples! I absolutely love galaxy chocolate! Have been treating myself with either mini milky bars or curly wurlys but will definitely keep an eye out for little ripples.

Sounds like a trip to the doctors is definitely overdue, I am 100% sure they could do something to at least help with the symptoms, especially as they sound so extreme, I can't imagine having to go through that once every 3 months, let alone every month. It sounds exhausting too.

Thanks for noticing the new goal :D, I had my first official SW weigh in yesterday but had been doing it at home for a week before I joined up (And I'd been doing other types of diet since end of August). Just doing EE days at the moment and I've turned into the tupperware queen with all my prepping! I usually have magic porridge for breakfast, piece of fruit mid morning and hifi in the afternoon with lunch and dinner being usually some sort of veg and meat. I have been keeping a food diary on here but I haven't put it in my sig yet, I think I need to update it too but I find it helps me stay on track.

aww i know...i always say i'm going to make an app (usually when i'm lying feeling sorry for myself lol) but haven't yet. last time i was there for my period was more the pain years ago but that was before the faint thing started.

i got the funsize ripples 1st in a pound shop but then Aldi had them in for a bit and i picked up a few packs with a long date cos i ration all my wee bits and bobs.
when the tins of celebrations were on offer, i got them and would have 2 each night for 4 syns...i was really good and didn't gorge on them and it was nice to have different types of chocolate...even if it was only a little bite. still got another tin to do the same with...can't believe i didn't inhale them all...but i think i would've if, mentally, i thought i wasn't allowed them!

got a bag of funsize maltesers (5 syns) and mars (4) when they were £1 a bag in asda for halloween and the mini crunchies are worth 4 syns and i'd picked them up in the cadbury multi pack thing which are sold all year but morrisons had them for £1.50 a wee while back...i like a bargain lol.
i used to have freddo all the time but i like that there are lots of other things for a few syns too :)

i have chocolate and crisps of some sort EVERY day and i use my syns mainly on goodies.
i never feel like i'm missing out and that's key for me i think.
i am a savoury kinda gal though and sainsburys do a 6 pack of flavoured popcorn for £1.50 and they're 2.5 syns each...so i can have them AND a pkt of space raiders (from a multi pack) for 5.5 syns altogether ;) BONUS! lol

love the magic porridge and it sounds like you're doing just fine :)
i tend to cook on a monday (quiche with a pasta n sauce base, dahl loaf, rice pudding, soup) and that does me for snacks/breakfast etc when i'm working) on green/EE days.
we def need to be prepared on SW don't we!

some of the quorn products are fab to use too....i make the mac and cheese and freeze it to take for lunch and the same with quorn chilli...full of superfree and a pot gets me about 5 portions which i take for lunch or have for dinner. love that by having these things at lunch time, i'm saving a HEb too :)

one of my fav dinners on a green day is a quorn burger (the beef style with red onion are syn free (and the only one i've tried) and yummy!) with HEa cheese and sw chips and i know we're allowed quorn on all plans but i tend to use it only on green days.

when are you gonna have a red/green day?x
oooh girls.....

today has not been good.

it started off well with some fruit and a boiled egg before i went to work...then some rice pudding with berries and yog when i was there...then i had a packet of Mccoy's (not even a multi pack, easily syn'd packet) a proper big so not worth the syns pack lol

i also had a fillet of fish meal from mcdonalds...and then.....

well....then i made a nutella cheesecake....and there's no point in saying any more! lol (not really funny tho!)

aww i dunno whether i'm fussed or not....my heart's not in it the same now we're in december and i kinda feel a bit like i've been almost angelic from the 7th January this year and now we're getting to the time where there's this and that about the office, i have social things on and i dunno whether to just do what i'm gonna do thru december, then start again in january, when it's all over with and there are no more social things (well, not every week!) and take the gain on the chin?!

i'm quite happy to be on plan the majority of the time, but i'm also more relaxed about having this or that if and when i fancy them (not OTT right enough!) and i'd rather go with that than feel like i'm completely missing out then end up, mentally, resenting things...does that make sense?

not sure what to do re class....i don't want to stop the plan...i just want to enjoy the next few things i have on, guilt free...and not feeling like sh1t when i have a gain marked in my book and it look like i'm just taking the mick!
and i think because having a few things even once can sometimes have such a big impact for me on the scales due to bloat or whatever, it might end up making me feel worse....and i don't want that...i want to be sensible when i can...and enjoy myself or have some of this or that when i want to too!

lots of people in the same boat on here just now and i really really mean it when i say i don't want to stop the way i've been eating for the last 11 months...i'm just ok with having some time off now and then over the next few weeks and lets face it...my planned time off always results in me cutting it short cos i'm desperate for some proper healthy food!!

what do you's think?
what's everyone's plans for the month?

i know i put weight on easily....even being angelic i have a gain every now and then...and i know that it'll take weeks and weeks to get off whatever i may put on....but i just feel ok about it if you know what i mean? i know no matter what, i end up going back to my usual way of eating and when i say my usual way, i mean the SW way so that's the main thing for me! x
Hmmmm, well, I like your attitude. I think you are right, it's about being realistic in your weight loss journey and knowing that even the best of us cannot be 100% committed all the time. It sounds like you have been so focused for so long that a bit of a treat will do you the world of good, almost like a reward. BUT.........only if you know you can get back on plan ok after a set point. December is a difficult month and I would probably be more relaxed if I hadn't only just joined SW so I'm probably not the right person to comment!

I was originally going to have a week off, starting Saturday 21st December, but because I know I can gain quickly, I think I am now going to have the three days of Xmas off and probably Monday lunch time as we are doing a buffet at work. I want to take the change to enjoy some of my all time favourites that are currently banned but I also don't want to undo what I have worked so hard to lose over the past three months. I feel that's a fair compromise? xx

it's hard cos if i had started at a different time in the year, it might be all different but i literally was 100% on plan...for months and months until i had a meal out and it's only been the last month that i've had weekends away (for a wedding and my OH's birthday).
i was away for the night when i hadn't long started and i took sw foods with me! smuggled them in to breakfast and took diluting squash instead of having fresh orange etc...but recently, i was like ok, i'll have a few days off...but then couldn't handle the few in the end and cut them short cos i felt so bleurgh and craved superfree! bonus i guess but disappointing when i'd planned what junk i was to consume lol

as i said, i had a gain every 4 wks even when being 100% but when i noticed a pattern, it made it easier to accept and i'd always have it off and more the following week.

aww this weight loss stuff...it's for life for some of us and not a quick fix.
there are always going to be times which might throw us but it's how we handle them that matters isn't it

i guess we need to decided...are we going to indulge or not...cos if we are then we do it and take it on the chin at new year...and if we're going to be unhappy at a gain, then we don't do it at all and commit to it as normal!x
much better day today folks lol...food looking like this...(excuse the power rangers plate hehe)


fruit salad with yog
boiled egg and some seafood sticks

tuna mayo, spring onion and lettuce wrap

2 sainsburys sausages with some bacon, pepper, spring onion & mushroom quiches
left over fruit and yog

be free wm wrap
hifi bar

20g cheddar stick

mayo - 1
sausages - 1
popcorn - 2.5
1 chocolate orange chocolate - 2
space raiders - 3

9.5 for the day (yipppeeee lol) x


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I think what makes it extra hard is that SW want us to believe that this new way of eating is 'normal', you know, it's not a diet, just a healthier lifestyle......to a point it is yes, but it's also very removed from what the majority (in loose terms) eat like!

I keep finding myself thinking of something I want to eat and allocating it to one of my days off, it's quite a big list so far :eek:. I had such a massive chocolate requirement earlier that I forced a workmate to go halves on a cadbury fudge with me, it was well worth it but I think I could have eaten about 5 of them!
damage limitation! lol...go you though for not having the 5 that you wanted ;)
how good are fudges though eh lol

when i was having my weekend off in november (when we were away for my friend's wedding) it had been planned for ages and i had given myself permission to be off plan...i had also listed what i wanted to get...to cram it in and have it during my "time off".
i was quite disappointed though cos i didn't enjoy the time they way i thought i would!

i know that's good in a sense but it was disappointing lol.
the other week, we were away for my OH's birthday and out for breakfast then at a hotel for breakfast. he lapped up the cooked breakfasts and gorged on them where as i was like...eurgh! i can have them all the time on SW...and sat happily with toast on jam and stuff like that lol

today i was too hungry when i was out and did have the thought...oh just go to morrisons cafe and have a roll on sausage and a bun from there....because i'd eaten what i did yesterday...but i didn't and i'm glad now that i didn't cos really, just cos i had one day off (not planned!) doesn't mean it had to turn into another!

i'm out tomorrow night and not sure whether i'll eat buffet food or not.
if i do then i do and if i don't then great! just going to go with the flow and see what happens.
i've taken extra lean mince out the freezer so that means there's a plan for me to cook a decent dinner before we go. guess it'll depend on how good the buffet looks lol

it's my birthday next week too and we'll prob go out for dinner...this is what i mean about having stuff on this month (as well as xmas coming up) after literally not doing anything/being out most of the year!

skinny people/people who are comfortable with their weight don't sit and think about food the way we do and i can definitely say that being on this plan has made me think differently about food in a good way (no more thoughts of what i want cos i can't have stuff etc and instead, what do i have in and what can i make) but i'll always have times where i do have undesirable thoughts of whether to have things i shouldn't

how was your day today other than the chocolate devil tapping you on the shoulder? (and being brushed off by the sounds of it ;)) hehe x
hey folks...
been awol over the weekend...not been sw friendly cos i ended up out both nights and had a blast! shame it's monday again tho :( lol

back on plan today so was cooking as normal. made a pot of soup, pudding rice, dahl loaf and sw quiche but used a packet of low fat supernoodles for my base this time....turned out well so they're all cut up and ready to have when snacks are required ;)
not a bit of superfree to be seen over the weekend for me (tut tut!) so used lots today in my cooking/meals

never went to class tonight...dunno if i'll go back next week and pay for the week i missed or whether i'll just hang off now until after new year...will weigh myself next sunday/monday and decide then i think - although i have a weekend of birthday celebrations this week too i think - depends how on/off plan i decide to be!

anyway...food for today


pudding rice with blueberries, frozen raspberries, chopped banana and yog mixed through

cottage cheese and bean cakes, boiled egg, bacon medallions, beans and a bowl of fruit salad

gammon, sw roasties, sweetcorn, pickles, carrots and sprouts

HEb: hifi bar
HEa: nothing so far

fun size mars - 4
hoops and crosses - 4.5

8.5 for the day :D

hope everyone is well and had a good weekend xx


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I soooooooooo want that roast gammon! I absolutely love the stuff, I expect it will make an appearance for xmas dinner this year with the Turkey, it's become a bit of a tradition :D

Well done on getting back on plan after the weekend too, how many weeks will you miss if you go back in the new year? My class in on xmas eve but I can't go as I have panto tickets, not sure whether to just leave that week. Consultant has suggested trying to weigh in at another class that week just to keep going, not sure if I will as I'd feel like a pleb just waltzing in to another group and then leaving!

You seem to pick much better treat size chocolate than me, am definitely going to have to up my game a bit ;) Mind you, I did make hubby buy me a stick of rocky road fudge yesterday as an xmas gift, I cannot wait to unwrap it!
oh wonder what the fudge will be like....i've never had anything like that before.

if i don't go back until after new year, i'd prob be as well re-joining i think (might be cheaper?)...and as for weighing and going if you go to another class....i can't really say cos that's what i have to do every week :(
i've never been able to stay at the meeting (me going is fitted in with drop offs etc) so i've always kinda felt like i spend £5 every week to step on and off the scales which i can do for 50p elsewhere! i love the bars and have a wee stock pile which will last me weeks but other than online access to check syns...i've never really been able to get the benefit some people do. and lets face it, if i was stuck for syns information, i'd probably get it easy enough on here?!

i love gammon and we hadn't had it for a wee while. we were having it once a week and i buy the large gammon joint with maple glaze from asda. it's £5.50 for that but it feeds 3 of us easily with some left over...if we haven't picked at it before eating dinner lol. i cook it without the glaze then if my OH wants some, he just pours it over. sometimes i have a wee drizzle and it's yummy...compliments the salty meat perfectly!

i think we're going to have steak pie for xmas. not very traditional and more a new year thing but we have roast dinners at all the time so it wouldn't seem so much of a treat if you get what i mean?
before sw...a roast dinner was a treat but we can have them lots on this so it wouldn't feel the same. but the fact we can means so many people will be able to have xmas dinner...for as many or as little syns as they want ;)

what goodies do you usually pick up for yourself?
i had chunky kit kat at the weekend and my god it was good! i know i could syn it anytime i wanted to and be on plan but my thinking is if i have a little of something, i can still have some crisps too AND have syns left over!
morrisons were selling the packs plus 100% free so we got 8 chunky kitkat for £1....yet my measly wee box of blueberries was £2.25!???!! it's just madness isn't it!

how was your weekend?x
I really love fudge, we had a load made as wedding favours and people were emailing me for more it was that good! It's been so long since I had a proper dose of sugar that I am sure it's going to send me doolally but hey, it's xmas - no one will notice!

I'm still working my way through the mini milky bars, I do like them but I think I might have to save syns for a full size one on Wednesday, after WI! I usually buy the gammon in tins too, think I will have to add one to my shopping list now. I like the steak pie idea, I think since I started SW I've had more roasts and cooked breakfasts than I have all my life time. It's funny how things that used to be such a rare treat are now part of the 'norm'.

Weekend was good but hectic thanks! I just seem to spend more and more time in the gym so I am determined to take a day off at some point, I really like having some downtime which doesn't happen much anymore. Roll on xmas for a few days off :D
good for you with the gym...i do zero exercise!!

i like fudge and was considering making tablet soon...not done it before but i made cheesecake last week (think it was the start of my off plan-ness lol) and said i'd make som goodies and some more of that for my OH to take to his work. i know if i do...i'll eat them so i'm as well waiting as long as i can and at least have some good days before hand hehe.

milky bars are good but i'm not sure i'd syn them. i like fudges and will syn a wee mini one for 3...but i don't think a full one is worth 6 (am i a weirdo lol) but if i had the wee one for 3, i'd prob have it with a hifi light that i'd saved as part of a HEb...so 2 bites of chocolate for only 3 syns ;)

i'm quite good at rationing my stuff and still have a few of the mini malteser bunnies that were out at easter!

i'm definitely a "more is best" kinda gal so like sitting down with 2 or 3 goodies for the same amount of syns or less than what a full size thing would be.

totally agree about the roasts and breakfasts...when i was away the other week, my OH munched away at the breakfasts where as i enjoyed the toast and jams more cos it's been so long! (now i've typed that i think i mentioned it in another post...sorry lol) x

cold cottage cheese & bean cake, boiled egg & a bag of apple/grapes 1st thing
small pot of magic porridge at work

rice pudding with mixed berries, banana & yog

quiche, dahl loaf & some homemade carrot,onion and lentil soup

quorn burger on wm roll with HEa cheese and some sw chips

17.5g oats/hifi light bar
wm roll

cheddar cheese with my burger

multi pack of McCoys - 8.5
freddo - 5

13.5 for the day
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magic porridge with berries and banana
cold boiled egg

home made soup and dahl loaf

mac and cheese
apple and grape snack pack

quorn chilli with ryvita
fruit salad with yog


cheese (in my mac and cheese)

mini curly wurly - 3.5
tayto whisps - 5

8.5 for the day
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I had a full size ripple today! :D I think it was probably the best piece of chocolate I have ever had..........

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had a maintain at group and spent 20 minutes crying when I got home after being so good all week. I did think of your diary though and you saying you had a cycle, I really hope next week is a loss as I think 2 in a row will send me over the edge into a swirling sea of chocolate! I'm trying weekly syns this week so hopefully I will get a bit more room for some treats, that's the plan anyway!

I've started to notice fruit becoming less varied and more expensive now, I wish it could stay cheap as I hate salad :(
aww huni....sorry to hear you were upset. i know ppl will say a maintain is better than a gain (and it is) but we always want to see a lower number...no matter how good we've been!

when i am 100% on track, i have a gain every 4 weeks (usually 2 weeks before my period is due) so keep an eye on it cos if there is a pattern, it's so much easier to take!
keep on going as you might get a whopper of a result next week...and if you dive into the chocolate, then dust yourself down and get back on it ;)

ripples are so good...how many syns for the full one?

i got a milky bar selection box in home bargains the other day for 49p!
haven't opened it but think it's got the wee mini bars in and maybe the mini bags of buttons? not sure of syns but thought of you and if you are near a home bargains then stock up?!

fruit is so expensive it's not even funny!
for a while i was getting most fruit at aldi but miffed when i'd saved 50p on strawberries, but had to throw half out cos they were bad!
got my stuff from asda last week and haven't thrown any out but i'm thinking of trying to get some frozen blueberries cos i get the raspberries for £1.49 and they last well over a week...thing is they go a bit watery which is fine in my rice pudding but i know it puts people off.

tesco value do a mixed bag of frozen fruit...they also do cherries too which are worth it cos they can be super expensive but again it depends if you mind the slush or not...don't suppose it would be as bad if we were eating them quite soon after they'd thawed?

chin up toots....we will get there ;) xx
hey girls...
well, it's my birthday today and i had planned to be on plan....and celebrate at the weekend...started off well but when i walked into work, i had a warm, freshly made fruit scone with jam and a home made cupcake waiting on my desk for me :D

the scone was epic! love love loved it and at the time, i decided i was gonna leave the cupcake or bring it home for my OH...fail! lol

not ideal but honest at least hehe


fruit salad, boiled egg and a fruit scone with jam!

rice pudding, berries & yog

mugshot, bag of apple and grapes....cupcake

truffles!! (decided to make some so my OH could take them to work - just choc biscuits with coconut and condensed milk but it was roll one, cover it in coconut, put it in the tub, roll one, cover it in coconut, put it in my gob! lol)
felt sick by the time i'd finished so didn't make the dinner i'd planned and ended up having the HEb sainsburys beef and dumpling soup (200g) a couple of hours later... wasn't great :(

200g soup
ryvita mini's

nothing...unless condensed milk can go towards that? pmsl

god knows...can only imagine!
aw well...happy birthday to me :D x

beginning to feel a bit like i can't wait for this month to be over with! i know it's not an excuse and i could stick to plan if i wanted to...but there's just so many temptations flying around!
i never make truffles and cheesecake any other time of the year...scones are always gonna be a challenge lol, but i've done this well so far...prob just the way i'm feeling cos i've not been on plan properly but i'm so paranoid i look heavier just from the last few weeks...

out with work for food tomorrow...no need for it to be off plan so hoping i have a full day of good behaviour...saturday was meant to be out for food with friends for my birthday...might just snuggle up with my other half and a takeaway...might not be on plan but it surely can't be half as bad as if we ate out or had buffet food elsewhere.

eurgh...one minute i'm ok with being off plan, the next i'm regretting it cos i feel so fat and guilty....need to just try go with the flow i guess.
don't think i'm alone tho...every diary i've read this week, people are having the same struggles, or waiting for this week to pass to be off plan!

grrrr x
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