woke up this morning feeling great, really NOT bloated and generally lighter than i had been cos i've eaten well all week. done the usual inspection of myself in the mirror from the front and side, didn't feel too repulsed...decided i'd WI seeing as it had been 2 weeks and i "felt" like i'd be pleasantly surprised...
2lbs ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
didn't expect it if i'm honest, yes i had indian a week ago then avoided weighing but thought my food had been great all week so had braved myself for a sts.
how wrong was i!
i know that since january, i've barely managed 7 full days on plan more than a few times...but if i'm 100% on plan for the whole week, i must be doing some amount of damage when i don't stick to it a day or 2 at the weekend?!
i really don't know what has changed, i'm eating less now than ever, and yes, i've been off plan at weekends but i'm not even maintaining....i'm heavier!
i know it would be worse if i was off plan all time, but since january....say over 164 days, approx 130 days will have been healthy eating, full of superfree and on plan etc....but i'm 10lbs heavier than before.
these numbers control my whole mood at times and i hate that!
i've got stuff on this weekend that i'm off plan - always planned and then away next week on holiday so i can only imagine what the number could be when i get back.
if i join a class when i'm back....what will i be doing different than i am now when it comes to meals? - NOTHING!
yes the aim is if i rejoin, i'll stick to it for 7 days instead of 5/6 but i know i physically won't be doing anything different cos when i'm on plan, i follow it properly, eat what "i should" and have the correct HE's and food optimise.
i'm just miffed...i really really really must be doing some damage at the weekends to explain these numbers!!
is my body just used to it now and needs a swift kick? or something to change to make it work harder/differently?
best of it is, i've had a great week, hadn't even thought about not being on plan today - until i weighed, and now, i pretty much don't care cos i'm in the huff!
yes...i'm in the huff...with myself....with my body...with everything and i'll snap out of it soon.....but for now...i'm off to feel sorry for myself lol x