Evilpenguin's food diary

This is now on my shopping list! Heading to Tesco in 5 mins. Glad I saw this before leaving :D cheers!
Glad to spread the mayo love! :D x
Early start for me today. Usually lay in bed til 9, 10 ish on my days off but I made the stupid mistake of making my nurse appointment for 9.45! What was I thinking? So I'm off to get jabbed in the bum in a bit! :D

I hate Tuesdays now anyway, since the new semester started my day off has clashed with my dads so I can't exactly chill out. He's hoovering, got the TV on, washing machines going, dish washers on or being emptied, then he takes up all the space at the kitchen table to do his studying and I can't fit my stuff on it! Totally inconsiderate! Oh well could be worse, I could have a job!! Tbh I really need a job but my manager hasn't got back to me yet.

So EE today.

Breakfast: coffee (HEA)
Lunch: chicken pasta salad, with spring onion, yellow pepper, tarragon & mayo :drool: (2 syns xl mayo) shape yoghurt (0.5 syns) chopped mango
Dinner: lamb rogan josh & basmati rice, from the SW curry book :)
Snacks: small glass of lipton ice tea (2 syns) banana. 2 small satsumas, an apple, soreen malt loaf "lunchbox loaf" (5 syns) more mango, rowan glen fat free toffee yoghurt, fluffernutter (HEB 6 syns)
Total syns: 15.5

Update: back from the nurse, jabbing complete! Asked her if she had a record of my weight from when I started depo last June, but she only had my 2009 weight, which I remember was taken at the end of my first SW attempt (before I put it all back on) and I was 19st 7lbs then which is what I thought I got to with SW! I wanted to know because I was sure that when I started depo I was much heavier than when I started SW in November. Was curious! But oh well. At least I know what I got to the first time around, gives me something to aim for and beat! Only a few lbs away from being lighter than than, and I ain't quitting this time :D
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Having a bad day. Maths exam was stressful. My manager emailed me to say there's no work for me. The Internet and phone line got cut off (even tho they said we had until march 16th to pay) and I can't get through to a bloody human to sort it out, just that stupid automated paying service!!! Aaaarrrghhhhh!! So I'm sending this through the "o" service on my phone, which is like being back in the days of dial up!! And my electronic cigarette ran out!!!!

So EE today, with a weird dinner and too many syns cos I fecked it up by buying full sugar energy juice! And I'm on the bourbon. Oh dear.

Breakfast: coffee (milk 1 syn) soreen loaf thing (5 syns)
Lunch: chicken pasta salad (1.5 syns) 2 satsumas, energy juice (5 syns)
Dinner: WW tortilla pizzas (5 syns, HEA) with tesco sushi (weird I know) need to double check the syns for that
Snacks: bourbon/vodka will add syns later
Total syns: 17.5

Not impressed with life today!
Chin up doll! If you need a couple drinks or too then go for it we all get hit with rubbish days sometimes! Hope you get it all sorted soon :) x

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icklerockchick said:
Chin up doll! If you need a couple drinks or too then go for it we all get hit with rubbish days sometimes! Hope you get it all sorted soon :) x

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Thanks chick. I'm having extra WW pizza to cheer myself up! The first one wasn't filling and the sushi was disappointing. I've decided alcohol is syn free tonight :)
They really need to invent syn free alcohol. Glad you got the general words I was going for my iphone talks such nonsense sometimes!! x
I think us iPhone users develop an eye for autocorrect mistakes and general iPhone nonsense, we can filter it out and see the actual sentence lol. Won't be an iphoner for much longer, going android in a couple of weeks! Due my upgrade now but am hanging on for the new Xperia being released :)

I know, syn free alcohol, if only! Shame those yeasty fellows can't find a way to make us the alcohol without all that sugar. I'm positive it can be done! When I graduate I'll make it my scientific mission to figure it out lol or maybe by then I'll know enough science to know if this idea is even possible lol :) probably isn't but I swear the government are out to keep us all obese! That's another rant for another day tho...!
Pretty much, it's crazy that junk is cheaper than good food. Luckily since I gave up meat fruit & veg is pretty much the most expensive food I buy but even then can't afford as much of it as I would like. Just make do with frozen stuff mostly at the mo. Farmfoods and Iceland I find have a decent selection of frozen veg and it's all £1 so much cheaper than Asda. And only discovered yesterday that Sainsburys have an amazing selection of frozen fruit and it's 3 bags for a fiver. Just wish I had an Aldi closer to me!

Get to work on that syn free alcohol :p x
I actually went the opposite way I went from android to iphone! I liked android but the phone I had was quite a budget model so ended up lagging a lot and didn't have much space for apps and not all of them could be moved to the sd card. I'm sure all the modern ones will be fine though mine was just a cheap one coz I refuse to get a contract again (just had nothing but problems with the networks being dicks!) and get the same amount of minutes/texts/interweb for less than 1/3 of what I was paying before by doing sim only deals instead. Means you do have to buy a phone though but still works out way cheaper in the longrun :) I'm a bit retro I only have an iphone 3gs coz that was all I could afford and that was second hand lol :p x
We started getting a veg box delivery as it worked out pretty cheap, £8 odd gets us 6 farm eggs, 1kg potatoes, 5 or 6 carrots, a few onions and 4 or 5 other random items delivered every Wednesday. We got Jerusalem artichokes, beetroot, broccoli, parsnips and cauliflower this week. I would love to be able to get more fruit, we just buy whatever is on offer really. I always get frozen mango from Tesco, they do 3 for £5 too, I love it cos I hate chopping them so it's already done for me :D I fell in love with kiwiberries the other week, £1 in the reduced bit in Tesco, but they cost about £2.50 usually and you only get about 10 in the pack (they are grape sized, not a lot for your money eh?!) so haven't been able to afford them again :(

Haha I will do! Gonna ask about it like an alcoholic geek tomorrow in biology lol :D

I'm going to bed now, it's a 9pm bedtime sort of a day!
icklerockchick said:
I actually went the opposite way I went from android to iphone! I liked android but the phone I had was quite a budget model so ended up lagging a lot and didn't have much space for apps and not all of them could be moved to the sd card. I'm sure all the modern ones will be fine though mine was just a cheap one coz I refuse to get a contract again (just had nothing but problems with the networks being dicks!) and get the same amount of minutes/texts/interweb for less than 1/3 of what I was paying before by doing sim only deals instead. Means you do have to buy a phone though but still works out way cheaper in the longrun :) I'm a bit retro I only have an iphone 3gs coz that was all I could afford and that was second hand lol :p x

Pay and go is cheaper but I like the contract, means I can always text or call and don't need to worry about having no credit. I have run out of petrol in my car before! I'm no good at this topping up thing lol.

3GS is where it's at! I've been rocking it since 2010 I think haha! It's deffo time for an upgrade now! I'm going android cos my bf's phone is epic (xperia arc) and this phone has been nothing but hassle for the last few months, sort of made me hate apple a wee bit. I don't feel excited about the iPhone 4 or 5, whatever one is newest, but I do feel excited about the Xperia S! That's another reason for the switch, something new :) plus the OS is called ice cream sandwich, makes me giggle :D

Anyways I am hitting the hay this time! Night chick xx
Awk hope ur ok

Im on depo too awful weight gain with it fs us women

Have jus got home from a real busy day sound like uve had one urself

Companies lookin money off anyone are so unpredictable hate them myself lol

Dont worry about ur syns one day off can be sorted out keep at it ur doin so well


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evilpenguin said:
Pay and go is cheaper but I like the contract, means I can always text or call and don't need to worry about having no credit. I have run out of petrol in my car before! I'm no good at this topping up thing lol.

3GS is where it's at! I've been rocking it since 2010 I think haha! It's deffo time for an upgrade now! I'm going android cos my bf's phone is epic (xperia arc) and this phone has been nothing but hassle for the last few months, sort of made me hate apple a wee bit. I don't feel excited about the iPhone 4 or 5, whatever one is newest, but I do feel excited about the Xperia S! That's another reason for the switch, something new :) plus the OS is called ice cream sandwich, makes me giggle :D

Anyways I am hitting the hay this time! Night chick xx

Ps dont change from iphone iv had one since they been out now got the 4 the 5 cumin in august :)

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Haha yeh I love how each android version is named after food, so cool! Ah it's not pay as you go it's still like a contract the money just comes out of your account and if you go over your minutes you get charged extra like you would on contract only difference is it's much cheaper and you only have to give 30 days notice to cancel none of this 12/18/24 month nonsense! :)

Farm veg is always so much nicer than the supermarket stuff as well. Sadly my nearest farmers market is kind of all rubbish & posh, it mostly sells wierd expensive meat sausages (boar, venison etc), soaps, cakes and only has one tiny veg stall that isn't even very cheap or good :( Yeh I love the convenience of peeled & chopped up fruit & veg, so it being cheap too is just an added bonus! Means less waste too :) win all round! Enjoy your early night x
One day in and I'm already missing the Internet! My signal here is pants, I get 3G occasionally then nothing at all, then the O signal I'm not even sure what that means. I miss minimins!!!! But my signal doesn't last long enough to browse the app properly :(

Anyway today has not been on plan. Had half a club sandwich in Asda and ended up buying burgers for dinner because I forgot to take the mince out this morning. Then a chunky kit kat jumped out of the wrapper and into my gob!! Ok, it didn't, but I am feeling like absolute **** tonight. Since my jag on Tuesday the bottom of my back has been in agony, it's like period pain but in my lower back, too high up for period cramp. I'm knackered, stressed out and in pain!! And I failed part of my maths assessment :( boo!! I failed on the last question cos I rushed through it and made silly mistakes :(

Tomorrow is sort of off plan, bf decided on noodles and dumplings for dinner which is easily synned but we're getting merry after that so syns will be out the window!

Totally expecting a gain at WI on Sat but it will be deserved. Will get back on the wagon on Sat anyway! I don't even want to be off it, life is just getting in the way a bit just now :(

Here's a food diary for the sake of it!

Breakfast: zero cal monster (0.5 syns I think) soreen loaf (5 syns)
Lunch: WW wrap, ham, salad & xl mayo (6 syns) satsuma
Dinner: Asda big fat beef burger, white roll, cheese slice (dunno how many syns, does the cheese count as HEA?)
Snacks: half a club sandwich, too many syns, at least it had half a slice of whole meal so 1/2 HEB? ;) chunky kit kat 14 syns
Total syns: a lot
evilpenguin said:
One day in and I'm already missing the Internet! My signal here is pants, I get 3G occasionally then nothing at all, then the O signal I'm not even sure what that means. I miss minimins!!!! But my signal doesn't last long enough to browse the app properly :(

Anyway today has not been on plan. Had half a club sandwich in Asda and ended up buying burgers for dinner because I forgot to take the mince out this morning. Then a chunky kit kat jumped out of the wrapper and into my gob!! Ok, it didn't, but I am feeling like absolute **** tonight. Since my jag on Tuesday the bottom of my back has been in agony, it's like period pain but in my lower back, too high up for period cramp. I'm knackered, stressed out and in pain!! And I failed part of my maths assessment :( boo!! I failed on the last question cos I rushed through it and made silly mistakes :(

Tomorrow is sort of off plan, bf decided on noodles and dumplings for dinner which is easily synned but we're getting merry after that so syns will be out the window!

Totally expecting a gain at WI on Sat but it will be deserved. Will get back on the wagon on Sat anyway! I don't even want to be off it, life is just getting in the way a bit just now :(

Here's a food diary for the sake of it!

Breakfast: zero cal monster (0.5 syns I think) soreen loaf (5 syns)
Lunch: WW wrap, ham, salad & xl mayo (6 syns) satsuma
Dinner: Asda big fat beef burger, white roll, cheese slice (dunno how many syns, does the cheese count as HEA?)
Snacks: half a club sandwich, too many syns, at least it had half a slice of whole meal so 1/2 HEB? ;) chunky kit kat 14 syns
Total syns: a lot

Youll b fine iv jus eaten a chinese we need a break sometimes lol

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Ah well we all need it sometimes chick, enjoy it and see you back on track after the weekend! Deal? X

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Sounds like a plan to me! I'll be back on track on Saturday though, would go mad on cake if I knew I had til Monday lol. Was only meant to be off plan for bfs birthday tomorrow, the past 2 days have just crept up on me.

Thanks for the support guys xx