ex consultant and drowning


New Member
hi everyone i seriously need some advice
i was a slimming world consultant for 4 years and ive recently left the role as i gave up smoking and gained weight i no longer felt that i could help others when i was struggling so much myself,ive now put on nearly 3 stone and i feel awful,i know that slimming world works but i honestly dont think i can do it when i used to lead the class! im terrified that im just going to keep gaining as i seem to never be full i really can eat and eat.im now 16.5 stone nothing fits me my kids are commenting and my husband is not being as affectionate so basically i need to do something now my options are weight watchers,herbalife or gp?
can any of you pffer some advise???
thankyou in advance:sigh:
Try to think positive. Can you join a group where you wont see people you knew. Or just join and share your story, all people can fall off the bandwagon, the important thing is to just have a fresh start. A clean page. You will be welcomed back to the fold. You know it works for you and you have all the knowledge x go for it girl x:)
You can do it But it sounds like you had the same problem I had. You know SW inside out and I found that when I decided to go back in January it didn't work for me. I love red And green but always gain on EE. So even though my main meals wouldn't look out of place in a SW recipe book the actual plans had stopped working. No idea why.
I've used Herbalife for about 3,years. I have it mainly for breakfasts because vim not a cereal fan and it gives me breakfast without eating too much. But I do know that if I had two a day I would lose more weight. I use Herbalife because it is properly nutritionally balanced and isn't a vlcd. You can't hovering with it really. Then make sure you look at the amount of fat per 100g in your other foods not the per portion grams. Eat foods that are 5g or less per 100g. Eat no more than 45 g fat per day and you'll be fine. I've got no experience if WW. Never fancied it as there seems to be too much counting for me. Good luck whatever you decide

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