Exante and exercise

So I weighed myself on monday and I lost 2 pounds so was 13'7. Weighed myself today and I've put a pound on. I just dont know wats going on with my body 🤷‍♀️
Thank u. I've decided other than the times when I'm eating with family or having drinks. I'm still gonna follow the diet rather than relax the diet completely like I originally planned so so far today I've had a maple and pecan bar and the thai soup 😊
Good idea, I think it is important to try and keep on plan as often as you can then that will allow for you to enjoy days with your family when they crop up.

At the end of the day we do need to live and have fun aswell.

I think that's why I am in a strange way enjoying being locked down because I don't have to go anywhere or do anything so its so much easier to stick to plan.
Weighed myself this morning and I'm 4lbs down. Its the most I've lost in a week since I re started my weight loss. Im over the moon. I've been thinking back to about 5 years ago when I stepped on the scales and I was 12st6, at that point my heaviest, and a comfortable size 14. I vividly remember being mortified. Right now tho, I literally can't wait to step on the scales and be that weight again. Im on my way🙂💪. The lowest I've been in about 10 years is 11st7 and I could fit into a 12. Oh how I'd love to smash that as well 🤞xx
You can do this!

The lowest I've been in a long time is 13st 2lbs and when I first started trying to lose weight I was 12st 8lbs - god how I wish I was that size now!

It's just so easy to let yourself go isn't it, I can't believe I let myself get so big but now I just have to deal with it.
I know how u feel. I couldn't believe I let myself get to my beginner weight but I swear I won't be that weight again 💪
We can do this!
We sure can, it just creeps on and before you know it you look in the mirror and don't recognise the person looking back at you.

We are doing it, lets just keep it up!
Weighed myself yesterday and I'd lost 4lbs then I stupidly drank a full bottle of wine and this morning when I weighed myself-on my proper weigh day- I'd only lost 2lbs. I could kick myself 😖. Id love to stick to the 4lb loss but since todays my real weigh day, I'll take it on the chin. A 2lb loss is still a good loss! I have my friends baby shower this week so I may veer off track on that day but I'll keep powering thru 😊. I ordered a dress for it online and I wasn't sure to play safe and buy my normal size or hedge my bets and get the size down.🤔I decided I wouldn't risk it. I'd rather have it loose than too tight but it was lovely to have the option 🤗
Well done on the 2lbs loss, I'd be feeling the same tbh!

Just keep to plan as much as you can, if you do come off though enjoy the baby shower and just get straight back to it, the weight will still come off.

Add a link so I can see your new dress.