Exante Buddies thread

Good morning Penny and welcome to Exante!! Well done for starting, I'm on day 3 now so I'm about to start a day three thread.
Remember to drink plenty of water little and often and keep posting here - especially over the next few days as the first 4 can be the hardest!
Good luck :)
Doublehappy xxx
So here we are boys and girls DAY THREE and I think I'm in ketosis *cheer!*
I've woken up with a verrryyyyy strange taste in my mouth.
Also, I just weighed myself and my scales say I've lost 7lbs, which is nice, but I'm not counting on that because I decided my 'proper' weigh ins each week would take place at my mums house to make it a bit more of a big deal. Her scales do read the same as mine but just in case....I won't get my hopes up! My start weight was recorded at hers.
I'm worried about today a little bit as I'm roped into an exercise class around lunchtime with my Aunty and she doesn't know I'm on Exante. I think I'm going to have to smuggle a bar into the fitting room with me to have after our work out so I don't get any questions / negativity! Wish me luck!!

How are all my buddies getting on - DW, Meggity, skinnyme2811, ShedMasterZero, lottagirlie, penny, ilovebiochem...? Sorry if I missed anyone I'm going on my sieve-like memory here!!

Lots of love
doublehappy xxx
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Hi Doublehappy, I'm feeling good, although only on Day 1. I'm at a meeting in Istanbul and they have an offsite dinner tonight. I'm trying to wriggle out of it as I'm in the right frame of mind to stick to 100%.
Morning :) Not too bad today - feeling a bit hungry so am just about to down a massive cup of black coffee and hope that will get me through to lunchtime. I stood on the scales this morning - a sneaky weigh in - and seem to have lost around 4lbs since Monday, but however like you am not going to "believe" it til my proper weigh in next Monday morning. I don't think that I am in Ketosis yet - but hopefully should be very soon - fingers crossed.

Ooo Lucky you Fitt - Love Istanbul and really good luck with not tucking in to all that lovely Turkish food :) I am sure that you will do fine.
Woo! Day 3! I can't believe it.

I'm still doing good. I'm stunned at how easy these first couple of days have been. I'm not letting my guard down though - induction flu could be lurking around the corner!

I don't think I'm in ketosis yet - either that or I'm one of those people who doesn't get the bar breath part of ketosis. I've become paranoid and I'm checking constantly, but so far so good. I'm thinking of cutting out the bars after Friday. They've been useful this week because they've got a bit more of a substantial feel to them than the shakes, but I'd rather forego the higher calorie/carb content. Also, they seem to be giving me a bit of a bad tummy!

Glad to see everyone going well. :D
Hi Doublehappy, congrats on getting into Ketosis, it gets easier from now on in, well done on the 7lb so far it can only get lower.

Good luck with the exercise class

Hi all...
Seem to be doing ok... it's funny but when you are not eating food it seems to be all around you!! How rude!!
Day two and my tummy looked flatter and less bloated when i got up this morning. Loved the Thai Chicken soup last time and had chocolate shake with coffee in for brekkie yummy.
I think the key is keeping very busy... when i started to think about food i went for a bath last night...any ideas for distractions will be much apprieciated! :D
Ok so I've just got home from a legs bums and tums class and a swim with my 2 year old - so knackered! But feeling surprisingly good and not nearly as hungry as I thought. Just savouring a strawberry shake over lots of ice ice baby!!
Thanks for all your check ins, so glad you're doing so well it's really motivating for me to know we're in this together.
Lottagirlie I think you hit the nail on the head there...baths...reading...painting my nails...spending stupidly long straightening my hair...all make for great passtimes on this diet!!! Xxx
bluefox2 said:
Hi Doublehappy, congrats on getting into Ketosis, it gets easier from now on in, well done on the 7lb so far it can only get lower.

Good luck with the exercise class


Thank you BF!! :D
:) Morning all!
Day three for me now...when do the hunger rumbles go? Still feeling postitive but it's been hard and taking all of my willpower. Have ordered some ketosis strips so looking forward to that stage!
Hope everyone has a good day...see you all later!:)
Good morning Lottagirlie and WELL DONE for making it to day three!!
Ketosis is just round the corner, typically by day four but definitely before the end of the first week I'd say. Stave off rumbles by drinking plenty of water, I know its hard but it really works. And keep reminding yourself how you'd really feel if you broke abstinence...I know for me I'd feel guilty and disappointed!
You're doing so well and we're almost there....keep posting xxxxxx
Day Four!

Good morning everyone!
Yes it's DAY FOUR and I'm very proud of myself for making it this far - over half way to WI and still feeling positive.

How are you all feeling on this lovely Thursday?

I must admit I'm a lot more tired than I was expecting to be, I'm beginning to think maybe I'm not quite in ketosis yet seeing as Ive felt so worn out all week. Any body else feeling the same? Yesterday I was convinced I was in the K-zone! Mind you that legs bums and tums class was a bit savage for day three...!

Just had half a choc orange bar, finding that works quite well for me in the morning and I'll have the other half at lunchtime. Cracking on with the water too.

Good luck everyone!
Lots of love
doublehappy xxx
Morning :) Yay well done on making it past the dreaded day 3 :) onwards and downwards from here on in. I think that I am nearly in Ketosis - I have the funny taste in my mouth (sometimes), I don't have many hunger pangs - though this morning was really ravenous til I had my shake, but I don't have the energy burst yet. I hope that the worst is over now and that it will be a breeze from now on.

Of course the next big "hurdle" will be the weekend - all that time to occupy etc and I often visit a friend at weekends who does not approve of this kind of diet so have to find a way to stay 100% without them knowing !! By hey - I am doing this for me no-one else.

Anyways another day down towards weigh in - which is the biggest inspiration of all - to see how well you have done in the first week inspires you to carry on and lose more. Roll on end of July when I shall be a lot smaller to go on that plane to Spain :D

Good Luck all and keep up the good work


Ahh Jools well done for making it here too!!
Do you stay for the whole day with your friend? Because if it's just lunch you're missing out on could you tell a little fib...toothache? blood test in the morning??
I hate having to answer questions about diets in the beginning (before you can see any real weightloss) I find it just winds me up and makes me question 'what am I doing?!' This time only minimal people know and they're all very supportive so far. I bet you can't wait for your holiday, I've got Reading festival as my first goal - hoping to be 1.5 stone lighter by then! xxx
Jools I agree with doublehappy - a toothache or some blood tests can come in quite handy while doing this kind of thing! ;)

So we've made it to day four! I'm really surprised at myself and proud of us all. I definitely think that once the first weekly weigh in (or measure for me because I'm not weighing) we will be even more motivated to stick to this. In fact I couldn't resist having a sneaky peak this morning at my bust/waist/hip measurements - no change to the bust yet but I seem to be about an inch smaller in the waist and nearly two inches down around my hips! Crazy. :D

I'm on my iPhone at the moment but I may have to see about adding some inch loss tickers to my signature once I'm at the computer later.
Hiya, Sadly I'll with my friend for most of the day - sometimes its up to 8-10 hours. However they do not eat that much during the day so I could always say that I had a massive brekkie at home and take a bar with me. I'll muddle through somehow lol.

Funny enough the harder one will be the following week when I am off to Take That at Wembley - I quite like the food they have there these days and it will be hard to avoid that even though one of the ladies I am going with is also on this diet - so we should be able to cope between us - I am just not looking forward to missing half the gig cos I will going back and forth to the ladies all day lol. Could be another two bar day that day lol.

Who's on at Reading this year ? Not been one for Festivals myself - just the thought of all that Mud and Rain and unmentionables flying around in pint pots lol. I am sure that you will reach your goal by then. Mine is a similar amount of loss - I am hoping to have lost at least 2st by the time I get on that plane :)
Hi everyone - can I come in here? I'm on Day 2 - again!! Tried and tried but always fall by the wayside. I'm really going to give it a go this time, as I have a wedding coming up and know that I won't get into the clothes I've bought if I don't concentrate. Alcohol is my problem, I just love a glass of wine or two, and then all the determination goes.
I'm going to log in often , I know that the support here is wonderful. See you later, and well done everyone.
Hiya Mumbles, and welcome!! Of course you're more than welcome to join in. I posted on days one, two and three as well, you can see the threads in the forum, might help to see how we all felt on those days too! You're not far behind now though :)

Jools - I haven't checked the line-up for a little while but I know My Chemical Romance, The Strokes and Muse are headlining. I'm really looking forward to seeing Pulp and Madness though, and Seasick Steve and Beady Eye. I went to Reading in 2002 and it was disgusting, then I went to V festival in 2008 and it was pure filth, swore I'd never do another festival but here I go again!! There's something about the atmosphere that makes you want to go back... xxxx
Oh, I'm on Day 4 too! Can I join in with you guys? Feeling ok so far today, quite hungry feeling in tummy but will banish that with yet more water!
Im day 1, can I join in?