Exante - info on the solutions


Happy to be slim at last
I was talking to someone at Exante yesterday and just thought I would share the info with anyone that's interested.

It seems that many people start on the Exante total solution (total abstainance) and then tend to naturally move on to the working solution (packs + food, 800 - 1000 cals) or the simple solution, (as working but up to 1200 cals).

This is because many of their clients come over from the other well known meal replacement brands having been on abstainance plans and then realise that they can still lose much the same amount with a small meal included in the day.

I was also discussing my losses and having lost 16lbs in 4 weeks on the working solution, as I believe I have lost much the same as I would have done on the total solution. My calorie intake has only been 200 cals more per day and I am active, so I easily burn that off. My four weeks on total are skewed by it being my first few weeks on the plan, so the losses were pretty big.

Anyway, I just thought I would share the info for anyone that is struggling on total abstainance and worried that stepping up a plan will significantly reduce weight loss. It certainly hasn't done for me so far! :D

I have just replied on the other thread also.

I love the flexible approach. As I get close to goal, I plan to go up to the simple solution and then go through the healthy solution to come off packs and back to food. I think it's a great plan and less additives is a big bonus I think.

I tried some products from one of the other brands and I found they made me constipated and windy (sorry, TMI). I don't get any of that with Exante myself. I like the fact that they don't have MSG or Aspartame (sp?) also. I hope you enjoy them.
Hiya, just wanted to congratulate you on your success.:) What's it like being a consultant and do you have to reach a cerrtain bmi before you can train?
Hi Sarah, thanks for the further info. A present I'm trying to stick to TS at present as I'm coping but I'll be definitely picking your brains for food suggestions when I make the move to WS which will probably be in June sometime. Hey....there's nothing like planning ahead!!
Hiya, just wanted to congratulate you on your success.:) What's it like being a consultant and do you have to reach a cerrtain bmi before you can train?

Thanks Lyn8124. I am so pleased with my results so far.

I am new to consultancy and it's all very exciting for me.

For me on the BMI before training question, I wanted to be a certain weight/BMI before I started as I felt it was important if I was advising on a weight loss programme.
Hi im Becky...............1st day on Exante Total, so far so good. I have 9 stone to lose and would appreciate all the help and support I can get! lost 8 stone on Slim Fast so I know I can do it :)