
I've fallen off the wagon a bit! Trying my best to get back on it today. Have ordered another 3 weeks of stuff so really hope I can stick to it. Have to weigh myself tomorrow so not expecting much :break_diet:
Oh you sound like you have had a tough time, with moving and all that. Good on you for getting back on it. It does take a lot of focus. As you don't have a massive amount to lose, have you thought about doing the working solution. It seems in the book that the the weight loss on that is still really good on that programme and you still get some food.

I also buy in 3 week batches and figure that once I have spent that much on packs, I have to do it.

Fingers crossed for your weigh in tomorrow. You might have lost a little this week.
Oo err now you guys have sent me into a dilemma!

Having done a bit of research I have a real problem with drinking aspartame. Aspartame is in the shakes of LL and CD so I've just been trying to avoid drinking them. Didn't know of a VLCD that didn't have aspartame in its stuff til now......
But but but...
Exante stuff doesn't have it in their stuff! zomg!

But but but...
I think I'm doing quite well with the regimented aspect of the LL - i.e. a weekly weigh in and group to be accountable to, and the fact I know I'll be only 14 weeks on it (ok I'm contemplating staying on it a bit longer.. but hey..).. the structure I think is good for me!
But then..
It's cheaper than LL! which on a student budget is a factor to consider.

So now you guys have sent me into a dilemma! What to do!
Oo err now you guys have sent me into a dilemma!

Having done a bit of research I have a real problem with drinking aspartame. Aspartame is in the shakes of LL and CD so I've just been trying to avoid drinking them. Didn't know of a VLCD that didn't have aspartame in its stuff til now......
But but but...
Exante stuff doesn't have it in their stuff! zomg!

But but but...
I think I'm doing quite well with the regimented aspect of the LL - i.e. a weekly weigh in and group to be accountable to, and the fact I know I'll be only 14 weeks on it (ok I'm contemplating staying on it a bit longer.. but hey..).. the structure I think is good for me!
But then..
It's cheaper than LL! which on a student budget is a factor to consider.

So now you guys have sent me into a dilemma! What to do!

I have to say that the Exante shakes (with the exception of vanilla for me) are great. They taste really good and I like the fact that they have less nasties in them.

I am using two friends who are also working on weight loss as my motivation. We all have our own weigh in on Monday AM and have to then "share" with the group. We are all finding this really motivational.

You could always use us as your group to report to! For me, I find that once you are in the zone to do it, you don't lapse, so I am sure you would be fine on it.

Ooh and the bars are bigger than LL and really tasty and you can see that they are not stopping my weight loss or taking me out of ketotis.

I'll leave you to ponder.....
Wow. It's really tough one to decide.

Yeah I'm sure that I Could do it alone without group if I put my mind to it.. after all the group is 2 hours, that's 6 days and 22 hours without anyone there making me do it.

Having less variety wouldn't bother me; without the shakes on LL it leaves me with just soups and bars pretty much, and of the soups I only really like one, I can tolerate one of the others, and the other 3 I don't like at all (if necessary I can throw it down my neck!)...

I will have to have a good think about the pros and cons..
Just been weighed and surprised that I have lost 3lbs! If I'd have stuck to it 100% I could have prob lost twice that!
Well done on the 3lbs! Glad that your blips didn't affect it too much. I've read stories on the CD board where people have eaten and then not lost a thing, so that's brilliant!

Just finished a banana shake (well half a pack). I love the banana one. I can see me living on them as time goes on.
I much prefer the bars and soups to the shakes especially the vanilla one. Have you seen the little blue/green bits in the shakes? Wonder what they are!?
Yes I don't like the vanilla one at all. Got two in the cupboard still and keeping ignoring them. I quite like the other shakes.

I have also seen the blue bits and wondered what they were. Only seem to see it in the vanilla and banana.

I like the soups as well, but not so keen on tomato. I either add chilli powder or tabasco and worcester sauce to it. Makes it much better. I also add chilli powder to the thai one to spice it up a bit more. Vegetable is fast becoming my favourite at the moment, whereas thai was at the start. Funny how your tastes change.
Hi Flumpy and Island Breeze, how are you both getting on with your plans? I am desperate to eat today. I think it's because I have had a headache for 4 days. I have upped my water but it's not made any difference yet.

I won't eat, but I hate these days. Tell me that you are both getting on well and that should motivate me!

IB, have you worked out if you can get the Exante packs to you?
Hey guys just a quickie update because I've decided what I'm going to do re: the LL/exante thing. I'm going to stick with LL for as long as I can until I get sick of veg soup, aiming for another 9 weeks so to the end of foundation. Then I may well start doing exante as I'll miss most of the LL route to management anyway..

Thanks all and hope you're feeling better, Sarah!
That sounds like a good plan for you. Changing now might not be a good thing for you as you are in the swing of LL.

Am feeling better today as had a sneak at the scales and have lost 4lbs this week with 2 days to go to my weigh in. Makes it all worthwhile. :)
Hello everyone,

I am new here :) Sorry if I interrupt your conversation, butI`ve actually never heard of this before - does it really work? I mean, many things and diets work for some time, but I bet only some things really are successful in the long run. How about this one? How much does it cost? (just wondering)

Hello everyone,

I am new here :) Sorry if I interrupt your conversation, butI`ve actually never heard of this before - does it really work? I mean, many things and diets work for some time, but I bet only some things really are successful in the long run. How about this one? How much does it cost? (just wondering)


These kind of diets most definately work. I have three friends who did Lighter Life and have all kept their weight off. They don't work if you return to your old eating habits, but if you make the right choices once you reach target and balance your diet, then it's a very good, fast way, to lose weight. It's all about changing your attitude to food whilst following the plan.

In terms of cost, if you do 3 packs a day, then it's just short of £50 for a week. This is much less that I was spending on food, eating out, takeaways etc.

Hope this helps.
Sarah you've done really well so its you inspiring me not the other way round as on Friday and Saturday I wasnt very good.:sigh: I just hope I havent put anything on on Thursday but dont know if I can be as lucky as last week!
Hi Flumpy, I had a tough weekend with it, so made the decision to go onto the working solution. I have meat or fish with vegetables (ones that are allowed in the book) and I am finding it's really keeping me focussed again. I still have 2.5 packs a day with a 300 cal meal (only have half a shake at breakfast as too think with a whole one). Will see how my loss goes this week.

Good luck for Thursday. You never know!!!
Haven't been able to get on here for a few days as it's been manic over here. Baby's actual birthday was great - we got the paddling pool out and the little ones had a fab time and I'm pleased to say I didn't eat any of the food. Am quite surprised at myself. I did rather force the leftovers on people as they were leaving as doggy bags - figured I didn't trust myself left in the house with chocolate cake!
How are you doing Sarah? Is one meal a day working out for you? I might have to do that as the next day for freight arriving here is mid-April and I don't have enough packs left to last that long. If I have one small meal a day then I can eke the packs out for longer. Blisteringly hot here today - even with the effects of ketosis I'm sweating!
Boy am I glad I don't have to bake any more cakes for a good while now!
The book does actually say to introduce a meal on the 5th week and then on the 6th you can go back on the SS again for 4 weeks or until you're at goal weight.

My stomach feels smaller so I'm hoping I have lost something this week!
The book does actually say to introduce a meal on the 5th week and then on the 6th you can go back on the SS again for 4 weeks or until you're at goal weight.

My stomach feels smaller so I'm hoping I have lost something this week!

Oh I will keep my fingers crossed for you this week.

It does say in the book that you should eat on week 5, but I was planning to ignore and go for the full 12 weeks. But I will now eat the evening meal for the rest of the time.