Yeh, I even said in my post that IF people can do another diet then I would definitely advise them to, but in my case, I was 22 and a half stone and rising and on my way to diabetes and probably a heart attack. I tried every diet in the world, spent 8 months with a shrink, did hypnosis and I just couldn't break the cycle. Without Cambridge Diet I would not be where I am now. If everybody could just calorie count and it was that simply to just say 'this is the best way' then people wouldn't have got to the weights they are now so desperately trying to chnage. I couldn't do a conventional diet (probably could now) food is/was like heroin, some people cannot just have a little bit, it's all or nothing. Obviously you cannot fast for ever and if you don't address the underlying problems you will gain it all back, but if somebody is 30 stone and cannot lose weight, then a VLCD, however unhealthy is still a helluva lot more healthy than continuing for years at 30 stone.
I totally respect where you're coming from, and didn't mean to cause offence. Like I said I know the diet works for some people (they enjoy the structure and the plan) BUT IF you can say lose weight from controlling your eating and exercise alone, then I'm sure it would agreed to be best However, I know what you're saying when you say food was like heroin - you needed the plan of 'eat then then this' to get you lose weight, because like most of us, myself included, you didn't have much self control over your eating when you were larger (Does that make any sense?) It's a big like a gastric band, it's great if you need it, but if you can reach goal by other means then it might be encouraged to look at those options instead. Like I said to you in a previous, it's clearly worked for you so you have every right to defend it