Exercise and exante


has anybody noticed more weight loss if they execise than just doing the diet alone, i'd only lost 5lb in 4 weeks by having 3 shakes a day, so therfore i've been on ebay bought myself a cross trainer and an air walker at a bargain price and i just love both machines, I am doing about 12 mins on the cross trainer and it says i'm burning 100 calories done 1/2 hour on air walker (not as strenuous the cross trainer) say i burn 300 calories, also been on Amazon and ordered myself an Omron pedometer which gives distance walked calories burnt and fat burnt in grams and you can connect to yor pc and it will give you a chart read out and log eveything you do as when you were most active':)
exercising can see big losses or small losses, it all depends on water intake, i see people who are drinking less water, losing less weight
make sure you drink plenty as kenshin112 says.

If you are doing a LOT of exercise (in excess of 600 calories, probably unlikely unless you are training to athletic standards) you MUST take in extra food or a shake/soup, because a VLCD is low enough in calories without burning them all off :)

I found that my Polar heart rate monitor is a wonderful piece of kit to watch how much you are actually burning, then you know if you are doing too much!

Good for you getting up and exercising, its definitely worth it and makes you feel brilliant in the long term!

and when you take protein shakes (as exante is) its quite helpful in muscle recovery!
yeah i agree, if you are exceeding say 500-600 calories through exercise you'd need another meal pack :) otherwise you feel drained and look gaunt
I only do 30 minutes on the wii fit plus every day (well most days, it depends how the girls sleep during the day) and don't notice a difference in loss when I don't exercise and when I do.