So Zumba last night sorted me out. Stretched out all my muscles and felt really energised afterwards. Also managed to stick with my 3 packs and a little bit extra of sliced turkey, so a good day... until about 10pm. My lips swelled up again. It's been 7 months since I stopped getting these allergic reactions, so no idea what triggered it this time. I know I should have gone to A&E but I took an antihistamine and went to bed, and woke up this morning looking even worse.
Luckily they've started to go down now, but have booked a dr appointment for later this afternoon as know it will mean another short course of steroids (the risk of the swelling going to my throat means it was to be treated with something other than antihistamines, which don't seem to work for me anyway, despite me having super strength ones - 10 times stronger than you get over the counter). Its frustrating, because I know the multiple courses of steroids I took last year contributed so much to my weight gain, but I'm determined to not let that happen this time. I'm training so hard at the gym, so I'll just have to make sure I do lots of strength training next week so that they contribute to muscle building, rather than fat. It does probably mean I need to come off Exante for the week though, as you have to take them on a full stomach. Fingers crossed this is a one off, and I'm not about to start another 6 months of allergic reactions again.
Anyway, on a more positive note, I just completed a great hour of Body Pump, and have 1hr PT session at lunchtime. Really up for it today!