Total Solution My Exante journey..

Thanks Sarah-Louise, good luck getting through the first few days, they are probably the toughest!
Ok so I trained as hard as I ever could this morning. I hour body pump class, 1/2 hour break and then 1 hour personal training session... brutal. I did just reward myself with a 'proper' lunch though - my local cafe has a great salad bar, so filled a huge plate and literally inhaled it. I think I really needed the food and it was all quite healthy so not feeling guilty about it at all.

Next week I have booked a spin class, a zumba class and another body pump class, a body conditioning class and also 2 more PT sessions... Need to also fit in my standard 3 cardio sessions, so it's going to be a tough week!
I need you as my gym buddy, seriously!!
I think I'm a gym addict :confused:

I'm actually trying to get pregnant at the moment and I have such mixed feelings about it as I know I won't be able to train as hard once I'm pregnant... Saying that, I have to remember that to delay having another baby because I want to go to the gym lots is really not a great reason, and something I might regret in later life! So I think I'm just trying to cram as much exercise in as I can until I have to tone it down a bit :)
Thanks Sarah-Louise, good luck getting through the first few days, they are probably the toughest!
Aw thank you hunnie!! Yes I remember it well....roll on first weigh in next Friday lol xx
OK so I suck at weekends. I just ate lots this weekend - no point dwelling on it, it is what it is.... as usual, i'm picking myself up on Monday morning determined to undo some of the damage (so have a hefty gym session booked later this afternoon and on 3 packs again as usual). I've just placed an order for some more bars and shakes - I'm a bit low on those in the house, and as they are the easiest to prepare I thought it was worth having more of them on hand.
And pregnancy test is negative again this month :( I know I'm only 2 months in but it's sad to think I have another month to wait to do another test.
So managed to stay 100% yesterday and on track to stay 100% today too - yippee!

Also managed a 40 minute stint on the cross trainer yesterday (I was really going for it too!) and a 30 minute spin class this morning. Spin class was actually really good fun so think I'll add that one into the weekly routine (although the routine is already pretty full on...).

Walked home yesterday and bumped into one of the nursery mums who I haven't seen since the end of June. The first thing she said to me was that I looked like I'd been working out really hard, so that was really encouraging, particularly after my weekend binge!

Despite negative pregnancy test, my TOTM is late. And i'm never late, in fact, I'm usually really early... Will give it another few days and then do another test.
OK so TOTM arrived today, which partly explains why I've been wanting to eat EVERYTHING for the past few days. I really struggled last night I was so hungry.. but I held my nerve and managed to finish the day 100%.

Did 1 hour bodyweight / pilates this morning and have 1 hour PT this evening, so planning to eating a bit of extra protein when I get home tonight. I cooked some chicken fillets in the oven last night, so will add one of those to a pack to refuel.

Weight showed no change on the scales this morning, which I am getting a bit frustrated at. I just can't seem to shift my overall weight down at all. I'm wondering whether I should head back to the doctors to get my thyroid retested, as perhaps my medication needs to be adjusted. Either that, or I've reached a prolonged plateau in weight loss and just need to push through it. It doesn't seem fair given the amount I'm working out, and the fact that even though I veer off the diet, I'm still averaging less than 1,000 calories a day.:mad:
Yeah, I jumped back on the scales this morning (the body fat analyser at the gym was out of order) and the reading is 1kg lower than yesterday... so probably was a bit of retained water.

I'm in agony today. Not only was it far too hot to sleep last night but my PT session was particularly brutal and the gym was way too hot. But given my results on the scales, I really went for it! Feeling it this morning - it's one of those days that I can't walk up stairs without all the muscles in my legs screaming at me :) I had booked in for a Body Pump session at 1pm but I am definitely going to give that a miss. Will still head to Zumba tonight though, as that might stretch me back out a bit.

And despite the stubborn scales, I did have to chuck another pair of trousers out this morning as they are way to big for me now. It's so satisfying throwing my bigger clothes away!
So Zumba last night sorted me out. Stretched out all my muscles and felt really energised afterwards. Also managed to stick with my 3 packs and a little bit extra of sliced turkey, so a good day... until about 10pm. My lips swelled up again. It's been 7 months since I stopped getting these allergic reactions, so no idea what triggered it this time. I know I should have gone to A&E but I took an antihistamine and went to bed, and woke up this morning looking even worse.

Luckily they've started to go down now, but have booked a dr appointment for later this afternoon as know it will mean another short course of steroids (the risk of the swelling going to my throat means it was to be treated with something other than antihistamines, which don't seem to work for me anyway, despite me having super strength ones - 10 times stronger than you get over the counter). Its frustrating, because I know the multiple courses of steroids I took last year contributed so much to my weight gain, but I'm determined to not let that happen this time. I'm training so hard at the gym, so I'll just have to make sure I do lots of strength training next week so that they contribute to muscle building, rather than fat. It does probably mean I need to come off Exante for the week though, as you have to take them on a full stomach. Fingers crossed this is a one off, and I'm not about to start another 6 months of allergic reactions again.

Anyway, on a more positive note, I just completed a great hour of Body Pump, and have 1hr PT session at lunchtime. Really up for it today!
OK so no more allergic reactions since last week and managed to avoid steroids. Instead, I have to take 3 different types of antihistamine each day for a week to see if that stops it happening again. So far it seems to be effective. One of them is a drowsy one though, and they seem to affect me quite a lot. So been sleeping a lot over the weekend!

Was totally off plan at the weekend. I had a dinner out on Friday night (although ate very well - had tuna and vegetables - but drank a few glasses of wine), lunch out on Saturday (again, made good choices - had steak and vegetables and ended up leaving the steak as it was terrible) and lunch out on Sunday (bad choice - roast dinner but I left the potatoes and just ate the meat and veg). I also had a small slice of birthday cake, as I spent 3 hours making it on Saturday night for my best friend. It was delicious though. As usual, I'm back on plan today :)

Was only in the gym once over the long weekend, but heading to a spin class in about 10 minutes and plan to be there every day this week.

Funny story to share for anyone struggling being back at work after the long weekend... we are having some work done to the outside of our house and the scaffolding was due to go up on Saturday. We were out all day but left clear instructions with the project manager. We came home Saturday night wondering why there was no scaffolding on the outside of our house... until we saw our neighbours house. Yup, they had decided in their wisdom to put the scaffolding there instead!!! Luckily the neighbours saw the funny side of it, and the builders came back this morning and fixed it :) Doesn't fill me with confidence for the actual work they need to do though :confused:
Sorry forgot to check in yesterday as was just one of those days at work. Good news is that I've been staying 100% and heading to the gym each day so all good on that front.

In other good news house renovations (or at least this phase of it) are almost complete. And scaffolding comes down tomorrow - be interesting to see if they manage to cock up taking it down as much as they did putting it up!!