Silver Member
Sian,thats whats made me so down about the whole plan last week, i LOVE carbs, have pasta and rice salads at lunch and pasta or potatoes every evening. Thought SP would really boost my loss to have no carbs after being such a carb fiend, so as i had 3 days the 1st week on SP and the full 7 days at 100% on it the second week and lost only 3lb total. I was gutted and really disheartened about it as it was a massive struggle for me to eat well without carbs! Have reverted to EE this week with reduced carb intake and feel much better and happier for it. SP is obviously having amazing results for some people but clearly doesnt work for me!xx
I have been away for nearly 2 weeks, that's why I thought I'd give it a go, to me the best part is the two healthy B's. Just hoping with having no alcohol since I've been back and being back on plan will have me the same weight I was before my holiday.. Wishful thinking but you never know x