extra lean mince

Boiled mince. :-/ this is what gives diets a bad name in my opinion there's so much yummy things to eat on sw there's no need to rinse mince lol

Sounds like the C needs to stop being a tight ass and just buy the extra lean mince. I find it so much tastier anyway. Even before doing SW we used to still buy it :) xxx
I've always poured boiling water over my fried extra lean mince.. I've also boiled it too, I know lots of people who do. I had to do it the other week as I ran out of fry light and don't have oil in and nowhere local sells it, boiled mince for a spag Bol and it tasted no different. I still buy extra lean but I can completely understand where that C is coming from. Extra lean is so expensive, maybe it's a tip for people on a really tight budget. Might even give it a go myself on a really skint week lol.. When I first started slimming world I got muddled up and bought lean mince or mince that I thought looked lean, it was only when I clicked it had to say extra lean that I switched but I still lost alot of weight. (not that I'd recommend buying normal mince, I was probably just lucky or like I say, coz i rinsed it)
I boiled casserole beef today too so I could cook a syn free lobby, it had lots of flavour still.. To be fair my boyfriend was like boiled beef? Once you add whatever sauce goes with it there's no difference. He's converted now lol.

Note to self - I've ran out of mince...
Ahhhhhhhhh I hate my phone. I will reply again soon, I lost my message but sometimes it shows up after a few mins lol
I don't think it would remove every little bit, but even extra lean contains a bit of fat.

When you boil mince, the fat rises to the top of the water (looks horrible) then when it's browned and you rinse it you can see the fat running from it in big blobs (also not nice) not selling this am I lol.. But I think of it as better down the drain than in my body.

It's not like boiling a pan of potatoes, you use very little water in a frying pan.

I usually fry with fry light because I like to do my onions together but it's a saver when u run out of fry light and spag Bol is the last meal to cook in the house lol. Grrr hope this sends this time!
Ps - a little fat runs from even extra lean too when you rinse it

I just can't stand them little orange blobs in my spag Bol or chilli when I don't rinse it lol.
I totally agree with patchwork puss! No amount of straining, rinsing or anything makes lean mince into extra lean! I'm totally appalled at some of the advice consultants of people on here have been giving lately! Sw needs to do some weeding!
You might be right but most fat does melt so it would at least make it a lot leaner when boiled and rinsed.. I do it with extra lean though so I know I'm alright and probably would consider doing it to just lean mince when asda is out of extra lean which really does my head in as i like to keep it in all the time. It's each to their own and if it affects losses then don't do it.. It's not really as bad as me taking the night off and drinking too much vodka lol.
Ahhhh I see I had a vision of a pan full of water

Haha I thought you might lol... With tiny pieces of mince just floating around haha it looks funny in my head now.
Rinsing mince does not make it syn free and I cannot believe your consultant would say that.

The mince is still fatty and only the surface fat would rinse off.

The only free mince is less than 5% fat extra lean n
I never understand why people just can't stick to the rules and only buy extra lean mince that is under 5% fat.
Your SW food optimising book states extra lean can only be used hence why the other mince is under syns and that you should syn it no matter how much you boil, rinse or cook the fat out!

Its hardly surprising some people don't lose weight with all the tweaking they think is ok to do x

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I never understand why people just can't stick to the rules and only buy extra lean mince that is under 5% fat.
Your SW food optimising book states extra lean can only be used hence why the other mince is under syns and that you should syn it no matter how much you boil, rinse or cook the fat out!

Its hardly surprising some people don't lose weight with all the tweaking they think is ok to do x

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I just looked on a website and somebody had worked out the calorie values before and after draining and compared it to extra lean. The results were interesting but somebody commented and said they would rather buy extra lean and get more beef than basic and get fat thats taken away when you could be getting the same weight in beef.. Makes sense.

Suppose it's each to their own. I might do a months challenge haha and if I put on weight will personally go to the consultant and wave my bingo wings at her :)
It makes sense to just buy the lowest fat as possible given you can't eat fat on any other meat.
It's same as having fat on bacon but saying I'll griddle it n dab it on kitchen paper.

Though if you can't get more fat out of even the extra lean free mince Its worth knowing.
Yeah when I saw the calorie difference I thought that's interesting but did make sense what somebody commented. For example 500g of basic vs 500g extra lean, if your gonna drain the fat away from the basic, your not really getting 500g are you?

Do any butchers do extra lean mince? I like really chunky pieces of mince beef but I find that no matter how I cook it, asdas breaks up into tiny pieces.
My butchers does in Manchester worth trying your local one