Fabulous first week - now to keep the motivation going!

I don't often say this but it's actually quite good to be back at work :character00148:. Here it is tidy, and clean, and *dry*!

Luckily I have an electric shower so not having hot water at the moment isn't a problem. I'm boiling the kettle to wash up. Hopefully have a new water cylinder fitted on Saturday.

EE today :

B : All Bran (HEXB), chopped banana, ML yoghurt

L : Chicken salad with lettuce, cabbage, tomato, sweetcorn, red pepper and dressing (1 syn)

D : HM Chilli with cheese (6), two tweaked "free" cheese scones out of the freezer, large salad

HEXA : Milk in tea

Snacks : 2 apples and 2 clementines on my desk, bag of French Fries (4)
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Like others have said, well done on not giving in. What a stressfull time! :( Glad it's been stopped now. Well done you x
Like others have said, well done on not giving in. What a stressfull time! :( Glad it's been stopped now. Well done you x

Thank you :thankyou:

Dinner tonight got edited - pulled a chilli out of the freezer and the last of those "free" cheese scones I made last week / week before. I didn't know how well they would survive being frozen and reheated - the answer is "Just fine" :eat:

Looking forward to weigh in this week. I have been 100% on plan, although I have used almost every single one of my syns so far - but that's allowed, right? ;) There has been no alcohol this week, not one drop. I feel good about that.
Hi Theria - well that sounds stressful. I expect you've got a mountain of laundry now just to add insult to injury!

Sorry - missed this when you posted it. Blame lack of sleep and fuzzy eyesight :)

The laundry mountain is epic. Ropes, crampons and oxygen may be required. Haylp.
Wednesday May 14th 2014

Day 7 of a 100% week :bliss:

EE today

B : All Bran Golden Crunch (HEXB + 2 syns - 30g is *just not enough* cereal!), strawberries, ML yoghurt

L : Chicken with huge mixed salad, 1 syn for dressing, ML yoghurt

D : SW Doner kebab, mixed salad, chilli sauce (2 syns)

HEXA : Milk in tea

Snacks : Fruit - 2 apples, 1 clementine
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1.5lbs off this week :bliss:

This is getting to be "normal". I absolutely don't feel like I'm on a diet. I'm not depriving myself. I'm eating fantastic food. This is just the way I eat now. I think I'm re-educating myself. (It's about blinkin' time....)

Anyway - onwards and downwards. Off to another all day meeting - but this one with my own organisation, so I've packed my lunchbox. No curly sandwiches for me :)
Thursday May 15th 2014

B : All Bran (HEXB), strawberries, ML

L : Chicken, mixed salad, dressing (1)

D : Not sure yet - got half of last night's Doner Kebab lamb meatloaf left, so could have that in a pitta (8.5) with salad.

HEXA : Milk in tea

Snacks : Fruit

I might try an experiment this week. If I keep daily syns to 10, that would leave me 35 over so I could buy a bottle of wine that I could have during the week. One of the things that really makes me feel restricted is having to measure out alcohol. It annoys me, for reasons I have yet to fathom. But if I knew that I could have a glass of wine without having to count it or measure it that MIGHT work. It would mean being strict about not buying any more, and watching what I ate after a glass or two. I'll have a think about it.
Hey Theria, congratulations on another great loss! :clap: That feeling when it all just starts to fall into place and become a habit is just magic, isn't it? It's hard to contemplate our "old" life again. You are doing amazingly well on your own and without group support, many congratulations, I hope you're proud of yourself.

I think that's a great idea about the bottle of wine, where you can just help yourself over the course of the week and you know that when it's gone, it's gone. I think one of the big lessons with Slimming World is to shift your mindset from *diet* to *way of life*, and to teach yourself that depriving yourself of the things you enjoy the most will be detrimental in the long run. Syns are there to be used for things like that. Good for you hun, why not give it a try this week and see how you get on?
Congratuwelldone on the loss m'lovely :D Like Macca says, the time it becomes second nature is awesome, it's like we never were naughty before! :)
Friday / Saturday 16th and 17th May 2014

My Landlord and his No 1. son (who is a plumber!) are round at the moment replacing the hot water tank. The place is in chaos - there are muddy footprints everywhere, boxes of tools, damp patches.....argggh. I will be so glad when this is done. I hate, hate, HATE having people in my place like this. (Obviously, invited guests are OK - for a while...) I know this needs doing, but I will be so glad when it's finished and I can clean up.


Yesterday was good, food-wise. I was out all day with some friends, so a bit of forward planning (and an unplanned bacon butty..oops) were in order.

Friday 16th May

Red day

B1 (0445) : All Bran (HEXB1), strawberries, ML

B2 (0930) : Bacon butty (12 syns for brown bread, spread, HP)

L : (Brought from home) WM pitta (HEXB2 + 2.5) with bacon, LM sausages, HP sauce (2)

D : (Brought from home) Cold chicken, ham, tomatoes, cucumber

HEXA1 : Milk in tea (only used about half amount)
HEXA2 : None

Snacks : None

Saturday 17th May

EE day

B : WM Pitta (HEXB + 1.5), bacon, tomato, HP sauce (1)

L : Pasta, HM sauce (2), salad

D : Chicken, "roast" potatoes and parsnips, mixed veggies, gravy (3)

HEXA1 : Milk in tea

Snacks : Apple, 2 clementines

So that leaves the Syns totals at :

Dailys : Day 3 - 29/70
Alcohol : 24/35 (I have opened a bottle of white wine - had about 1 standard glass out of it so far since Thursday made up into two huuuuge spritzers with soda water. Lovely!)
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Eugh! I really hope it's done for you now lovely, how's it going? :)

( I agree too! can't settle with "uninvited" people either in the house or coming to it!)
Eugh! I really hope it's done for you now lovely, how's it going? :) ( I agree too! can't settle with "uninvited" people either in the house or coming to it!)

Thank you :)

They're onto soldering pipes now, so as well as all the mess, the smoke alarm's going off almost constantly....it's mains-wired so we can't shut it up.

The rest of that wine is looking AWFULLY tempting! :)
Non-Scale-Victory (I'm trying to go to my happy place whilst all around me is noise, dirt and chaos!)

A few photos from yesterday's day out with my friends are now online and I actually like the ones of me. There's a definate difference from what I saw in the mirror a few months ago. Long way to go, but I can see the progress I've made - and that's great.

Also - saw my mum last week and she mentioned to me that she thought I'd lost weight. We don't really talk about weight in my family (probably one of the things that contributed to me allowing myself to get to almost 23st!) so I know she was "testing the water" so to speak, but I just smiled and said "Yes, I've lost a bit" and left it at that. When she hugged me as we said goodbye she said she could tell I'd lost some. Haven't said how much though ;)
Heeee! Those are the things that keep you going even when the scale numbers stall. Well done :D xxx
Sunday May 18th 2014

Possibly EE, possibly Green

B : Grapefruit, All Bran, ML

L : JP, beans, cheese (5 if today turns into EE), salad, pickles

D : Not sure yet

HEXA : Milk in tea

Snacks : apple, banana, satsuma


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Tuesday May 20th 2014

Hmm...it's not been a good couple of days. The wagon was *so* far out of sight I had to run to catch up. I think I just reacted to all the stress and noise and dust and mess and people in my house and...and...and... :sigh:. A sneaky peek at the scales this morning showed a bad result. Very bad indeed. I'm hoping a saintly couple of Red days might reduce the damage somewhat, but I'm not counting on it. I might be looking at a gain, but it will be entirely my fault. I knew what I was eating and drinking, nobody forced it all down me.

Anyway, I feel better today, so am back on an even keel. I still don't have any hot water, mind you, but that's another story.

Red today

B : All Bran (HEXB1), strawberries, ML, banana

L : Ham and cheese (HEXA1) salad

D : Gammon, JP (HEXB2), veggies, gravy (3)

HEXA2 : Milk in tea