Hey lovely ladies

Hope you're all well.. Thought I'd share my experience, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 14, while having tests for any abnormalities in my blood etc before being allowed to have laser treatment, which I was promised would be refunded by the NHS if I had it done privately as I was under 17. Unfortunately, the NHS being the NHS didn't refund the cost of the initial 7 sessions and the minor's license which cost £900 put together, but agreed to pay for the top-up sessions I had after that. I continued to have laser treatment until Sept 09 I think, and it was brilliant, really reduced the amount of hair on my face and I was glad. I was beaten up in school by year 7s when I was in year 10, I was verbally abused from the moment I started high school, people even managed to get hold of my parents' phone numbers and prank call them saying all sorts of stupid things. I stopped having laser because I got really bad pigmentation on my neck, chin, and jaw line. The laser lady gave me all sorts of different excuses when I asked her why it had happened, sometimes she'd say it was my fault for not wearing suncream while I was away on holiday (a holiday that I went on 5 months before I got the burns and I wore Factor 50 suncream), other times she would say it was because she had a new machine and I wouldn't let her use it on me (true - she did, and I didn't, but how could that matter if that was what my skin was used to? The new one REALLY hurt, the one time she tried it on me) and basically I got sick of hearing all the stupid 'reasons' why I went around looking like someone had polka-dotted my face.
Recently beginning to consider having it done again as the hairs are coming back thicker and faster, not happy at all having to remove them every two days. I get really uncomfortable if I leave it any longer, like today I could not stop itching my neck and jaws to save my life. I'm just a bit hesitant though, as I don't know if she will charge me the full price of 7 sessions all over again (I don't think the NHS will contribute at all this time, I'm now 19 - they didn't stop paying after I turned 17 before though, don't know if they will have picked up on it) or if I will be able to pay £40 per session. I can't afford it at the moment, but it would make a great change to me to have it done again, so I can feel comfortable in my own skin.
I have never considered cream - I don't know how long the effects last? I wouldn't wax my face, although I probably could. I can't stand the epilator, I applaud anyone who can use it without screaming. I absolutely hate the pain, and would much rather sit and pluck each individual hair out with tweezers one at a time. I am aware this sounds like I'm really fussy and horrible about it, but it was drilled into me so much while I was having my laser not to touch the hair from the roots in any way, otherwise it would strengthen them.