My guess is that they are looking into it,but not making big noises about results for fear of putting punters off.
Possibly..but wow. Couldn't they do something easier, like find a cure for cancer?
We are talking about many years and mucho money. Do you really think that the likes of WW, SW etc really want to go far down that route to actually find an answer. They probably dabble in it though.
Guarenteed failure isn't the best way to open wallets!
But they don't. They pretty much guarantee success if you do what you are told. They are weightloss clubs. Not maintaining clubs. That would be a whole different ballgame.
Of course, you get a bonus with any diets. Get to goal, and they will almost promise you that if you eat sensibly and exercise more, you wont put the weight back on again.
Clever that
At the end of the day, most people go on diets to lose weight. They don't often consider what happens after that.
I see more evidence on this board than I ever saw in a dieting club that people even remotely thought of the future...but even so, have a little look many dieters here are really looking to the future?
Look at the maintenance forum, and you'll see little evidence that most of the dieters are dying to know how to achieve longtime success
So, these clubs cater for short term success, and save themselves a lot of grief (and money) trying to find a long term solution.