Failure Returning :(

Hey guys you are all sounding so positive - good luck. I too regained everything I lost. Have been back on plan since Monday and have lost 6lb so far. We will all get there!
Hanging my head in shame :(
I caved and ate the takeaway... it was only day 1 nearly 8pm at night and had only had 1 shake.. I just wont strong enough to resist.
Also had a lovely roast out today with the extended family.
So day 1 again tomorrow for me.
But its my last day 1! :)
How are you all doing?
You'll get there. We all have false starts - and you are still here so you ARE going to succeed. I'm not doing Cambridge, I'm doing dietimeal vlcd. I have decided to have weekends just low cal (NOT that low on a Sunday I must admit) and only do vlcd during the week. I feel I will be able to cope with the hunger during the week knowing that on a Sunday I will feel full. I don't know how much I will have lost in total as I am bound to have put on water weight over the weekend. The plus side is that when I weigh-in on a Monday it will be fat weight-loss I will be measuring as the water weight will come back on during the weekend. I will let you know how I get on tomorrow.
You'll get there. We all have false starts - and you are still here so you ARE going to succeed. I'm not doing Cambridge, I'm doing dietimeal vlcd. I have decided to have weekends just low cal (NOT that low on a Sunday I must admit) and only do vlcd during the week. I feel I will be H tocope with the hunger during the week knowing that on a Sunday I will feel full. I don't know how much I will have lost in total as I am bound to have put on water weight over the weekend. The plus side is that when I weigh-in on a Monday it will be fat weight-loss I will be measuring as the water weight will come back on during the weekend. I will let you know how I get on tomorrow.
Hi Lass :)
Ive not heard of that before sounds good so yes please let us know how it goes.
Have you weighed in today?
Im so focused and ready to do this again.
Day 1 and 1 shake down... lots of water feeling good and positive :)
Hi - weighed in this morning so 5lb off in total - which meant I had put on 1 lb water weight over the weekend. I am looking forward to seeing how quickly that lb will come back off and what else I will lose this week. Monday is my official weigh day, but tend to go ion the scales every day.
Hi - weighed in this morning so 5lb off in total - which meant I had put on 1 lb water weight over the weekend. I am looking forward to seeing how quickly that lb will come back off and what else I will lose this week. Monday is my official weigh day, but tend to go ion the scales every day.

Well done! :)
So how many calories a day do you have during the week days then?
Do you have meal replacement packs?
Im two packs down and currently hiding out in my bedroom to pass some time. Just blowed dryed my hair and done my nails.. got one pack left for tonight.
Not sure if im gonna have a choc mint iced shake or a warm porridge...
Decisions decisions hey! Lol :)
Yes the dietimeals are packs. I have 4 a day - normally porridge, soup, cottage pie and a shake. When I did it last time I either didn't go into ketosis or I was just unlucky and ketosis did not reduce my hunger, so this time I am also having a fat-free yogurt and a tangerine every day. I also have 1/2 pint of 2% fat milk. It works out at just under 800 calories. If I want to go faster I can miss out the milk, fruit and yogurt for a couple of weeks. The weekend food stops me going into starvation mode so can stay on plan for longer without it impacting on my metabolic rate.
Yes the dietimeals are packs. I have 4 a day - normally porridge, soup, cottage pie and a shake. When I did it last time I either didn't go into ketosis or I was just unlucky and ketosis did not reduce my hunger, so this time I am also having a fat-free yogurt and a tangerine every day. I also have 1/2 pint of 2% fat milk. It works out at just under 800 calories. If I want to go faster I can miss out the milk, fruit and yogurt for a couple of weeks. The weekend food stops me going into starvation mode so can stay on plan for longer without it impacting on my metabolic rate.

Right I see... I just googled it as I'd never heard of it before.
So how many calories do you try have on the weekends then?
I like the sound of this.. think its something I might look into once ive got the bulk of my weight off ss on Cambridge.
I like the Cambridge products so im assuming eventually I could ss Cambridge mon to fri then low calorie sat & sun.
5lb loss is great. How long have you been doing this? :)
Is it a bit like the up day down day diet?
Is it judd or judding? Lol
This time I have been just been on this plan for a week and a half. Last time I was on it for about 6 months. I lost about 3 stone that time. I have since put it all on again so back to try again. I reckon it will take me a year to get to where I want (I want to lose 6 stone), which is why I need to have real food regularly to keep me motivated. As I said on the packs (whichever packs I have tried) I always feel hungry. I need to know that at least once a week I will feel full. I have real food on Saturdays but try to keep under 900 calories (I also take vitamins as this is not enough calories to get all my nutrients on real food). On Sunday I tell myself I can have whatever I want within reason. This Sunday it was about 1300 calories
Ahh thought so :)
Well good luck with it and keep us posted on how your doing.
Day 3 today apart from toothache I'm feeling good.
Love the cd Maple porridge! :)
Failure here :(
Confession time... I've blown it tonight :(
So new day tomorrow.. dare I say it..
Day 1 ss again!! Idiot I am :(
Down but not out!
I will get there :)

Can I join this thread please???

A year ago today I started LL then changed to CD after 3 months, up until Nov 2012 I had lost 5 1/2 stone and was looking and feeling fab!:D

Then a couple of weekends away, my birthday & Christmas came and I am now 1 1/2 stone heavier.:cry:

I just cant seem to get back on the diet! I try Sole Source, counting points, just being good but by the end of the day I just blow it!

I feel so awful as I feel people are saying - 'she's put her weight back on again'

I feel tired, depresessed and hate myself for letting myself get this far.

I too didnt really go up the steps properly so really need to get back on track.
Hey ROSB what a good job losing 5 1/2 stone. That is how much I need to lose so you are an inspiration to me. I had lost 3 stone but put on the same amount over just 8 months when my head went on holiday and my body lost its way. I am back in the zone and have lost over 1/2 stone in a week and a half so am feeling proud to be back! I say to myself that I did not put weight back on. Rather this is a new 3 stone that I have to deal with and once I have sent it packing I will keep on going till meet my goal. You will get back in the zone and once you do you will achieve the same success you did before. Well done you for what you have achieved and what you will achieve x.
Thank you Lass321 thats a great way to think about it! Sometimes I think I talk myself out of being good as I feel such a failure!

Anyway so far so good today although my danger zone is mid afeternoon so fingers crossed!