Fair, forty but not fat!

Had a dodgy day today food-wise. I really haven't eaten enough - not deliberately, but just silly-busy and now much too tired to bother.

No idea what the knock-on effect of that is going to be. Hopefully it won't make much if any difference if my food intake is back to normal tomorrow. We shall see...
Not me tomorrow - did my weigh-in today and it's 1.5 lbs this week. I suspect it'll drop the other half lb tomorrow and then keep me on tenterhooks for a whole week with the whole 'will-I-won't-I-hit-50lbs' drama!

6 days left for you to go?
I was awful once I hit 50lbs, proper treated myself with a right few days of naughtiness... Do not follow in my footsteps!!! x
LOL I give you permission to chain the fridge shut and confiscate the booze!
Now that would be a bad idea... you know I'd end up cracking the booze open and sharing it with you!!! x
It's bubbly stuff. I get very giggly on that. You have been warned!
I'd rather have you giggly on the bubbly than fighting on the stella... I'm not good at breaking up fist fights, lol!!! x
I've lost a full 1lb overnight. Wasn't expecting to drop so much because of yesterday's shoddy eating and I really hope I haven't caused a stall. Should have forced something down last night but I was soooo tired I couldn't.

I'm half a lb away from that elusive 50lbs gone. Surely that's got to vanish between now and Friday?

On the less agonising side of things - I've lost 3 and a half stones :D

I'm going to be sad and update my ticker as we go this week. I'm dying to see that 50lbs twinkling at me ;)
Of course that 0.5 lb will be shifed by Friday..

Mogg u wana swop bodies ? My lovely .. 50 lbs is amazing well done you..
I bet your doctor is impressed with you huh ?
Wahoo go moog, 50lbs here you come!!! x
Shanny - I'd swap in a heartbeat ;) It's going to take me until nearly Christmas to get to where you are!

GP is delighted. I'm not due to see her for another couple of weeks and I'm hoping to be nearer the 4 stone gone mark by then (3 stone 10 or 11 maybe?) and it's definitely helping with the ME management. Should have done this years ago...

Thanks for the cheer-along. Going to go for a long beachy walk today and see if that'll encourage the other 0.5lb to wander off :)
Moog when you reach 50lbs can I have it please? It's just that I've got 50lbs to go and I really just want to be thin now, can't be arsed with all this counting anymore... so can I just have your weight loss instead please?
lindseydodd408 said:
Moog when you reach 50lbs can I have it please? It's just that I've got 50lbs to go and I really just want to be thin now, can't be arsed with all this counting anymore... so can I just have your weight loss instead please?

I'll happily trade you for your 62lbs gone ;)
Thank you! I've still got a fair bit to shift, but I'm doing better than I ever thought I could. It'll mean a huge amount to get to 50lbs.

Lots of walking today ;)
Quarter of a lb left to go until the magic 50lb mark! Got to love the lingering drama of the moment ;)

Had a good day yesterday at the beach, but need to do a load of housework and laundry today so that we're all set when we go back to school/work on Tuesday. I'm rather enjoying the thought of a 3 day week followed by a 4 day weekend. We need these more often, that's for sure!

I'm feeling a bit anxious about the next couple of months as I have a contract for some additional supervisory work. It's a lot of paperwork and desk-bound stuff - and that's where my nibbling habits are worst. I think I'm going to have to stock up on chewing gum and hope for the best. Maybe a pot of blueberries a day or something?

All ideas very welcome - the work stretches between mid-May and early July, so it could be a complete disaster if I don't get this right. That's a potential mountain of nibbling to be avoided!
Hilariously, I've just received an email. I've won a chocolate hamper through doing a quiz for a Leukaemia charity.

*bangs head off desk*