Fair, forty but not fat!

Ouch. I didn't know you had ME, so misinterpreted your aches and pains as the muscular sort that I get when overdoing it! Hope the pain subsides somewhat.
Moog, hope you don't mind me being cheeky but I'm studying a Personal Training / Nutrition NVQ so your post made me curious as to how people with your condition would be limited by exercise and training, and how PTs work around it. I found this thread in my browsing - if you've not already seen it, there could be something useful in it for you - especially the first post seems to go into a bit of detail about what he does, although I presume you know most, if not all of it anyway - and obviously the degree of your condition may be very different to his (as per the replies). Let's Talk About Exercise : Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
It's why I see a physiotherapist regularly. We're establishing graded exercise in a way that avoids the crash cycle that happens so often in ME.

In essence, the way it works is that you spend months regulating and monitoring your daily routine so that things are stable. This involves all mental and physical activity. Everything is mapped and monitored, and when crashes occur you track back to what you'd done that caused the crash. By doing this you can work out reaction times and also what activities cause the problems. My reaction time is 24 hours, which is why I'm only supposed to exercise on alternate days - it gives me an appropriate level of recovery time.

It took a surprising number of months to get things stable. Even as recently as Jan/Feb I'd be stuck in bed for whole days.

Graded exercise followed on from there. I gave Tai Chi a go, then coaxed my physio to let me try the cross trainer on a low setting. The basics of it follow that I maintain the same intensity of the exercise, but gradually build up the length of time. I increase one session per week by a minute. If there is no negative reaction, then I can take another session up by a minute and so on. It's very much a long haul thing - increase too much or increase time and intensity and a crash is likely to happen.

When I've got the 25 mins established without issues, then I'm going to stick to the length of time and slowly start to work up the intensity levels.

It's all a very careful balancing act. I wasn't certain it would work to begin with, but it's been quite life-changing in many regards.

I would suggest that you actually talk to a suitably qualified physio - exercise (if tackled wrongly) might be extremely damaging to someone with CFS. It needs to be low-impact and very, very carefully managed to allow for reaction times. It also shouldn't even be considered until stability is managed - if someone is swinging from crash to crash, then exercise is just going to exacerbate the medical issues.
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Thanks for the post - it's all interesting info for me! And naturally if I ever received a client with issues I probably wouldn't even take them on for fear of doing more damage as I'm not a physio and don't think my provider includes exercise with physical therapy as a module. I have knee issues that I was actually exacerbating until I saw a brilliant physio who has effectively rebuilt my exercise confidence (and relieved me of a lot of pain!). And well done you for really taking charge and improving your levels of activity, you must be so proud of yourself for making such a noticeable difference in your own life.
In addition to that - forgot to mention, the physio has built in proper relaxation periods into my day to conserve energy. That's pretty key to staying functioning. It means conserve energy now, therefore there is energy to spend on exercise later. Although not today, obviously ;)
I think you're probably right in that it's a risk if you don't know how the exercise would impact on a medical issue. I was very lucky with the physiotherapist I have - she's a bit of a leading light in the field and is very patient with me and my frustrations about not being able to do more.

The physio's doing a fab job and I'm pretty driven. The fact I've finally been given the tools for something that is working is beyond fantastic - I'd have been stuck in a fairly nasty crash cycle otherwise. GP is equally delighted, so it's been positive all round.

Of course, I can't stop the exercise, which causes it's own problems. But I'd much rather that than being unable to walk back home from the corner shop!
Today I'm officially 6 months in, so it's time for a review :)

I've lost 60lbs in the past 6 months, taking me from a tight size 20-or-so down to a 14. My boobs have shrunk by 11 inches, my waist by 9, and my hips by 10.5! (Can't forget the half inch - it matters!)

I've gone from being unable to walk up the stairs at the end of the day to managing 24-25 mins on the cross trainer on alternate days and burning 250 calories by doing that. AND I'm not bed-bound after it!

I'm about 11lbs away from a normal BMI and only a smidge away from having a body fat level of 35% (I know it's got to drop a lot further, but I'm delighted with that given that I haven't been able to exercise much at all for years!) My blood pressure, cholesterol and all other bits and bobs are well within normal ranges and I feel like I'm actually getting there. I know the ME is going to be there permanently, but if I can maintain this level of normality, I'll be delighted.

10lbs to go before my birthday. About 2 stones to go before the earliest point where I want to call 'stop' and start maintaining. I feel like it's possible. I really do!

Never thought I'd get here. Big hugs and thank yous to everyone who's been so supportive for the past 6 months. You've all made more difference than you know x
Nice review Moog... If you were a film Jonathan Ross would be giving you a 5 star rating and insisting that everyone watch you!!! Awesome!!! x
Yay moog! There's an eye of the tiger soundtrack playing in my head now :) that's all amazing!! But the stabilising of your health is incredible! Getting into skinny jeans is reward enough for me but getting your life back must feel amazing!

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A flying visit - hope you're all doing well.

3lbs officially gone this week. 10lbs to go until the end of this ticker, so I need to keep losing at the rate of 2lbs a week to make it in time. It's do-able but it might also be a near miss. Time will tell :)

Meanwhile, I'm dashing this morning and have silly 14 hour days coming up this weekend. I'll pop in when I get a chance. Hope you're all doing well xx
It has taken me a very long time to work out what my limits are and not push beyond them. I used to constantly think but that's nothing, I can do more than that, that seems pathetic and yes, I can do more than 10 minutes or whatever but I'd pay for it for a few days after!! I think that's the hardest thing, the effects aren't instant so you carry on, thinking you're ok and then the next day or the one after (for me anyway) along comes the crash! The only reason that I can now do the 30 Day Shred is that over the past 18 months probably I've slowly built up. Last year I started at the gym and went straight into High Intensity Interval Training, did it 2 days in a row for 30-40 minutes and was like this is great then CRASH! Wiped out for days after. Have slowly built up though then took a fairly long exercise break and over Thailand and the past couple of months my exercise would be regular walks. Is the only way that I can do 30 minutes a day and not have it wipe me out.

Moog you're doing so amazingly well! You're so close to getting there! Even if you don't get another 10lbs off in time for your birthday, you'll be pretty close and you'll look flippin fantastic!!
^here here!!!^
In a pair of Berghaus cropped trousers today... in a 14 :D I could get used to this smaller sizes business, but I'm having real issues as well. I looked at them in the shop and thought 'Oh, they'll never fit!' and nearly got the 16. I just can't tell whether anything will fit or not - they just look way too small.

Never thought that would happen!

Back to work. Hopefully the worst will be over by the end of next weekend :(
I'm exactly the same, I find taking a friend helps because they can tell you you're being rediculous when you reach for the size 20's!!! x
Morning M what a lovely update u are definitely one determined young lady.. And full of inspiration to.!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend? I
In hot swanea at the beach lol x
Wow, you have done amazingly on your journey! Such an inspiration!
Thanks everyone. Hope you're enjoying Swansea, Shanny :D

Still working silly hours, still 12 st 8. Nowt new happening here...
Wooo!! 14! Its the magic size for me. If I can get a 14 to zip up then I'm no longer fat I'm just well padded lol

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Thanks everyone. Hope you're enjoying Swansea, Shanny :D

Still working silly hours, still 12 st 8. Nowt new happening here...
Hi M i totally loved swansea i didnt expect it to be that beautiful spent all of my days on the beach.. and the camping thing wasn't my cup of tea but i coped well.. did moan a few times.

How's your day going? x
We used to go on family holidays to Swansea and the Gower when I was a kid. Beaches, beaches and more gorgeous beaches. I'm not a camping fan either - give me room service any day!!

Strange sneaky peek this morning. I scoffed a whole bag of midget gems when I was working yesterday and felt like I'd really blown the diet. It's the first time I've properly snacked since the beginning of December. More calories than I want to think about!

And I'm down 1lb this morning.


I did my 25 mins on the cross trainer (257 cals) and drank loads of water, but I really thought I'd be up a bit this morning. Glad I'm not though :D

Will be glad when things calm down here a bit. Sorry for not keeping up with your threads and stuff - hope you're all doing well and the diet fairies are magically making the lbs disappear!