Oh god, I think I might agree with you there, I can follow SW 100% easy peasy and then mates come round, hubby buys beer etc etc and I've messed up a whole day!
I would have to say to coleslaw! Real rich proper full fat mayo coleslaw! God I love it! Find that the low fat/homemade just doesn't cut it for me!! Lol!
Either that or real butter! Would make the ww/nimble bread so much nicer if I could slather on lashings of real butter!
Oh god, I think I might agree with you there, I can follow SW 100% easy peasy and then mates come round, hubby buys beer etc etc and I've messed up a whole day!
Wine. Any colour. It's not for the alcohol, honest. I've read about the low alcohol ones available in the Uk and may have to ask for a shipment when the next visitors come by car. Taking wine to France, now there's a novelty!