Omg!!!! I wrote such a long MSG n thn my phone bloody went woo lalay ... Aaaaaa
Well anywhys my first weigh in tmrw!!! Woop woop
Today had
Breakfast- shake
Snk- craker
Lunch- half premade choco shake(froz the rest to see if it would turn out nyc) but omg it was yuk!!!! Never agin am I wasting my shake!!!!
Tea- homemade chickn curry- bread n salad 2 fish fingers
Snk- crisps
Walked all over tesco & a shopping center 2 times so was a good walk... Was going to buy icecream but I resisted! Woop ....
Kind of scrd abt my WI tmrw!!!! Aaa let's see wht happns ...
Night night all xxx