I am just about to embark on my first slimming world journey. Along for the ride will be my Dad, who has also never done SW before and my sister and Mum who have both done slimming world before and lost a combined total of about 10st before putting most of it all back on again.
I decided to encourage my family to restart their weight loss with me after putting on about 1.5st in the past year (stress eating due to final yeah PhD). Hoand I want wever, I know I'm in for a long battle because although my family are all eager to lose weight my sister has three children to look after (one 11 and just starting school, one 1.5yo and one whos a wee 2 weeks old) and a particularly naughty husband who tempts her to cheat and my Mum goes through bouts of apathy.
My idea is to make it as simple as possible so that we can all get into good habits straight away creating a reasonable loss in the first few week in order to keep momentum.
So I have a few ideas for resources to help us all but was wondering if anyone had any idea to improve upon these;
1) A weekly syn sheet for the fridge with stickers (yes stickers). The sheet will have seven circles on it, one for each day and each person will get 105 stickers for the week (I'm thinking the small sticky dot ones). When they use the syns they put as many stickers in the circles as they have used. It's a visual reminder but also, hopefully, reduces the likelihood of cheating as we will all see who's had what each day.
2) Brief daily food diaries ( sheet a week) whereby each day has a row for writing in Brekkie, Lunch, Dinner and snacks and HEA and HEBs can be crossed off for quick reference. I will probably make an excel sheet for my day as he's the busiest of us all and the one that needs to lose the most, having it computerised will hopefully just fall into his day-to-day routine. (just found an excellent one by Squiddie here - http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world/305078-excel-slimming-world-record-version-3-5-a.html )
3) A fridge syn bin. With all my family I anticipate most of the daily syns will come from sauces (BBQ, mayo, ketchup, salad cream, chutney and so on) therefore its really important we have a quick reference for the syns in each so we can make an informed decision as to whether we really neeeed another squirt of 'dip dip'.
4) In relation to the above every week I will be making SW ketchup and BBQ to remove some of the anticipated 'sauce guilt'
5) I think a syn free/super speedy quick ref list might also be helpful. I think I have seen one somewhere so I probably wont need to write it all out.
6) A snack guide (also for the fridge - I foresee a space problem here
I would much appreciate some help from some of the SW veterans, I'm scared for my families health and I'm hoping that if I pour my heart and soul into this they will too.
I decided to encourage my family to restart their weight loss with me after putting on about 1.5st in the past year (stress eating due to final yeah PhD). Hoand I want wever, I know I'm in for a long battle because although my family are all eager to lose weight my sister has three children to look after (one 11 and just starting school, one 1.5yo and one whos a wee 2 weeks old) and a particularly naughty husband who tempts her to cheat and my Mum goes through bouts of apathy.
My idea is to make it as simple as possible so that we can all get into good habits straight away creating a reasonable loss in the first few week in order to keep momentum.
So I have a few ideas for resources to help us all but was wondering if anyone had any idea to improve upon these;
1) A weekly syn sheet for the fridge with stickers (yes stickers). The sheet will have seven circles on it, one for each day and each person will get 105 stickers for the week (I'm thinking the small sticky dot ones). When they use the syns they put as many stickers in the circles as they have used. It's a visual reminder but also, hopefully, reduces the likelihood of cheating as we will all see who's had what each day.
2) Brief daily food diaries ( sheet a week) whereby each day has a row for writing in Brekkie, Lunch, Dinner and snacks and HEA and HEBs can be crossed off for quick reference. I will probably make an excel sheet for my day as he's the busiest of us all and the one that needs to lose the most, having it computerised will hopefully just fall into his day-to-day routine. (just found an excellent one by Squiddie here - http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world/305078-excel-slimming-world-record-version-3-5-a.html )
3) A fridge syn bin. With all my family I anticipate most of the daily syns will come from sauces (BBQ, mayo, ketchup, salad cream, chutney and so on) therefore its really important we have a quick reference for the syns in each so we can make an informed decision as to whether we really neeeed another squirt of 'dip dip'.
4) In relation to the above every week I will be making SW ketchup and BBQ to remove some of the anticipated 'sauce guilt'
5) I think a syn free/super speedy quick ref list might also be helpful. I think I have seen one somewhere so I probably wont need to write it all out.
6) A snack guide (also for the fridge - I foresee a space problem here
I would much appreciate some help from some of the SW veterans, I'm scared for my families health and I'm hoping that if I pour my heart and soul into this they will too.