Well another week of doing sweet F.A. diet wise but still expecting the weight to fall off and strangely it doesn't :sign0007:
And yes I know what I should be doing and yes I want to do it but the moment I get the slightest bit of stress I go running to my old "friend" food!!!!
I say on my signature "we lie loudest when we lie to our selves"...
Well I've been lying very loudly :sigh::sigh:
I've been using all the stress I've been under lately (OH been a pain in Ass again

) as an excuse to eat anything and everything, then wounder why I'm not losing weight.. Then end up in the why bother moad.
So. Reasons for not loosing weight..
1.. I can eat what ever I want..
2.. Can't think of another one
Reasons for loosing weight..
1.. I can get healthy.
2..I can wear nice clothes.
3.. I can feel more confident (yes I know lot's of people are over-weight and confident but not me)
4.. I can look O.K. in jodhpurs!!
5..I can be proud of myself.
6.. I can run and not feel I'm going to have a heart attack!!
7.. It will lessen my chances of having a heart attack!!!
Well that answers that one then..
I've offered to take lunch up to my OH today by way of a peace pipe (if you get my drift). So I'm hoping he starts to chill because if he doesn't soon I'm not sure we'll be staying together!!!