O.K.....Organization is the key to this..
I have 2 more days of house sitting. The perfect time to start 30 Day Shred.. I've got the DVD at the house along with my Zumba toning sticks (nearest thing I have to weights).
I've taken some fruit over for snacking and I'll also take some almonds.
Another thing I know helps me is if I have my main meal at lunchtime, so I'll be doing that as often as I can.
An added bonus tomorrow is the road between the village and where I'm h/s is closed tomorrow (finally fixing pot holes

) So I'm going to walk it instead of driving all the way around the detour. It's about 3miles both ways..
Defo more positive
Weehey! You started a diary
Do you think motivation is your problem? If you keep falling off the wagon, maybe it is. Or maybe these bad eating habits are so hard engrained that you're finding it difficult to overcome them.
Bad habits is something we can all relate to. When I first started dieting, in the first couple of weeks, I ate healthily but boy did I crave junk food. Sometimes (and this sounds awful to me know) I'd eat a bar of chocolate instead of dinner. So I was basically saying that I'd rather not eat dinner all for a few seconds of gluttony over a chocolate bar. Sad, eh?
Thankfully, after HARD HARD work, I trained by body not to crave these foods and after about a good 5 months, I can honestly say that my cravings for them went away. I can get offered things like chocolate now and I HONESTLY don't want them - not because I'm denying myself but because I know that there's tastier, healthier things out there that I can have instead. Also, when I do fancy a bit of chocolate, I can confidently eat one bit and leave the rest for another day. I don't scoff the whole bar like I used to. I've changed my lifestyle and that's my secret to weight loss success. It's not really a secret but I guess maybe it is because it eluded me for years.
I think a lot of people look at weight loss as a destination, like once they got there, everything would go back to 'normal'. I could eat what they wanted, work out when they felt like it and magically the weight would stay off. Besides, it wasn't as if they would fall into the same patterns that got me overweight in the first place, right?
I can tell you that you will not lose weight and keep it off until you change your attitude about a healthy lifestyle.
How do I know? Well, I've seen people on this forum and in life doing weight watchers, doing Slimming World, doing personal training sessions, pills, shakes, and everything else under the sun. They stuck with them all temporarily but lots were always with the mindset 'I can't wait for this to be over so I can get things back to normal'
That's why it's you attitude was what needed to change more than anything else. The realisation that I had to change my normal to make my goal possible was the hardest lesson I've ever learned.
You cannot use temporary means to create a permanent change and all those methods I'd tried did not have true staying power in my busy lifestyle.
Luckily, I'm a planner. I love working towards a goal, I love having steps to get there and I love facing new challenges. Success takes dedication, but you CAN do it.
So, I don't eat unhealthy anymore. I forgive myself for mistakes and I use it as a motivation to propel my results.
I am far from perfect and sometimes when I find myself in the midst of a temptation (my downfall) I have to have a voice in my head scream at me and say 'STOP KIDDING YOURSELF THIS ISN'T A 'REWARD' FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!! YOU ARE ABOUT TO PUNISH YOURSELF!! EATING THIS IS REALLY GOING TO MAKE YOU FEEL BAD!'
This voice has developed over time. This voice used to be drowned out by the other voice that said "F**K YOU! I WANT IT!" But now, the smart voice is in control. That voice is the one that overshadows the temptation and reminds me if I want extraordinary results, I have to put in extraordinary effort. It's that voice that avoids the chocolate bar and has an apple and fromage frais instead. Still sweet but without the guilt!
If you're finding yourself having habitual setbacks with food, perhaps it means that you really haven't committed to a new lifestyle. It isn't a failure to not be there yet. It's only a failure if you don't realise it and correct it. I don't mean this in a harsh way but I'm saying this as somebody who was overweight too and just really want to see the benefits of losing the weight passed on to others. You can do this little sis, if I didn't believe you had it in you then I wouldn't bother telling you all this.
Remember we're always here for you