Fat be gone - S&M's journey to a better life

Your doing great off the cigarettes and 100%!!

It's good, slowly ease you into harder work with the transition to w201. I really enjoyed the module your doing now! Gettin near the end now and thinking about applying to firms etc the scary part!!

Enjoy your water, your doin ace! :)
Gggrrr just realised I've been having lime in my water, pressing it with the straw for a bit of flavour, how bad will that be? This is def killing my willpower :(
Well no idea what effect the lime had? Hopefully none... I survived the pub, came home and had a chicken soup with extra mushrooms in, was ok, how I would have loved one of the massive burgers the pub kept serving, lol...

Banana shake for breakfast so far, gonna have loads of water today, altho tbh have been having tons of that anyway. I had a sneaky weigh-in this morning, just to see how it was going, 5lbs off so far, WI day is Wednesday so not sure if that's a good loss or not, I mean it obviously is in comparison to other diets but not sure in terms of VLCD? Fingers crossed it stays off for official WI day :)

Have a good Sunday everyone x
Lime contains sugar but more importantly citric acid. Citric acid takes some people (but not all) out of ketosis. Hopefully you're one of the lucky ones! If not it won't take long to get back in. Best avoided in the future though.
Thanks Weasey, I thought that was the case, dammit.... I stopped as soon as I had the lightbulb moment about it, what an idiot.... P*ssed off with myself for it though :( Oh well, I'll remember in future, I shall focus on how I managed to avoid all the foody temptations in the pub instead :)
No point being upset by it - it's done. It's also a lesson learnt - which is what it's all about!
True enough and it was just 4 small wedges moshed a bit in the water, so fingers crossed. Lesson learnt :)

Day 5 almost done, 100% thankfully, after yesterdays temptations with the pub, least I didn't cave and the slip up with the limes, doh!

Today have had a banana shake, chicken soup with a few mushrooms in, and just had mushroom pasta poured over leeks and cauliflower, was delicious, I really do like the meals have had so far poured over veg, think that will keep me sane... Have drunk a ton of water today so fingers crossed it will all be helping, looking forward to Wedesdays WI, fingers crossed :)
Keep strong sun&moon :) your doing really well ...its such a good feeling at WI time when your hard work is rewarded x x x
Thanks Lea, hope you're right :) I think once I start to see some results, it will help keep me strong, but the first week was always going to be the hardest so if I can do this, I can do it :)
That tea does sound lovely, mmm leeks lovely :) ..the being allowed veg is a huge bonus!!

Your doing great, dont cry over spilt limes ..hehe :) sure they wont hold you back!
Thanks Rebekah, it was really nice and yes being able to add veg is a great help, really feels like a proper meal and is actually helping me with portion sizes.

The limes are forgotten now, pesky things... haha! Luckily no pub plans for a while now by which time I'll be well in the S&S swing of things.
Eeh first day at work since have been on the plan, although it's day 6, am finding it tough, even though I know it's just habits, it's diving me crazy, haha...
We eat for lots of reasons which have nothing to do with hunger. Could be boredom or habit. This diet really gives you the chance to get to grips with that and decide whether or not you want to change your habits long term as well as while you're losing the weight. It lets you identify all of those temptations and consider what you would normally have eaten and why.
Thanks Weasey, you're so right, the voice of reason again :) I think for me it's just the habit of association, it's a certain time therefore it's biscuit time or crisps time,.don't think I was ever hungry, just habitual.

Have survived anyway so it can be done :)
Yay! And every day that you survive it the less of a habit it becomes until you are free...
Oh I can't wait for that free day :) Will be amazing.

Thanks for the support :)
Hey s&m cant wait for WI for you you are doing so well and even going to the pub in yourfirst week I generally avoid everywhere until Im in ketosis and food doesnt bother me then
keep up the good work
Thanks Jess, it was really hard and I won't be repeating it for a while, lol... Survived work test no1 today, got work test no2 tomorrow, I do a varied job and am often out on the road and that's tomorrow, I won't have any tempting foods with me, just water and shakes, but I will have to stop at services for a wee for sure, the amount of weeing I'm doing, and services = bad things, lol...

Hopefully Wednesday WI will be good, altho tbh I don't know if it will be, I just have this feeling it isn't going to be, no idea why, I guess cos I don't feel any different really, not sure what I was expecting tho, perhaps I'm just being daft, haha!
Hope day 2 is going swimmingly for you hun (not swimming in your own wee I trust!!! Sorry eewww!).
Belated WELL DONE for surviving the pub temptations! That was a true test of your increasing iron will. You're well on the right track now sweetie,
so keep it up and before you know it you'll be but a hair's breadth from goal x