Fat birds can't fly


HeA: cheese 30g
HeB: brown roll

Mullerlight grapes

Jacket and cottage cheese, lettuce

Syn free chips
Syn free burger
Onion - fried

French fries 4
Hifi delux 6
Mayo 1/2

So far 10 1/2 and then I went to a meeting where they had potato pie eep

Small potato pie - with a tiny bit of crust, pretty bad pie in all honesty it wasnt worth whatever Syns was in it, pretty watery and horrible lol

HeA: 375 ml milk
HeB: allisons

2eggs scrambled with ham on toast with mushrooms

Pasta, mayo, ham, lettuce, peppers,
Blueberries and grapes

Syn free burger on a bun with chips and lettuce
Banana, grapes, Mullerlight

Mayo 1/2
Hifi bar 6
Whole meal roll 7

13 1/2 Syns
Uh oh! Having a bad night lol just ate a full pizza and naughty asda extra special yogurts, about to have some rowntrees fruit pastels omg lol I am joining the gym on Monday! X

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Uh oh! Having a bad night lol just ate a full pizza and naughty asda extra special yogurts, about to have some rowntrees fruit pastels omg lol I am joining the gym on Monday! X

Dont worry I had a naughty night last night too! Night in with the bf so we had chinese takeaway :( however I did consult my SW book and got chicken chop suey which was only 4.5 syns, but then topped it off with half a bottle of wine ha! Oh well I think you need a treat once a week or you will go mental and go totally off track
too late, I went mental and went off track :( two days now, and ive eaten utter rubbish eep! then i found a picture of myself when i was 'skinny' lol and how i mourned, i will post in a sec, as i have a fat picture and a skinny picture! i want my cheek bones back lol x

Please ignore my silly boyfriend, hes a bit of a joker and decides to pull faces on pictures, anyhow LOOK AT ME IM A WHALE and its horrid! I'm in one of those moods tonight, I just feel, **** :-/ so I've decided to sign up to the gym tomorrow, and im doing some classes too like zumba etc I WILL BE THIN!

This was me in 2010! when I weighed aboutttt 10 stone 7, and I still thought I was overweight here, but actually I was tiny compared! I feel determined now, I will loose this weight its disgusting how I've let myself go :( I miss my skinny jeans! x
This was last July! at my graduation, LOOK AT MY HAMSTER CHEEKS lol this is a better picture of us, I look rather goofy on the other one haha
Yeh don't be too hard on yourself, you look beautiful in all 3 pics, but I understand how you feel I have been searching my before pics and have found one to add (it's terrible) but need to take a now one before I put them up x
hah thanks girlies :) I sooo wish I'd of kept the weight off last time, I was big before I slimmed down to 10 stone 7, I weighed about 13 stone odd, but this time its just gone a bit over the top and at my heaviest I've been 14 stone 7! ouch! I do feel motivated now, infact, tomorrow I will print out my skinny picture and my fatty picture, get them blown up at asda, and stick them on my fridge haha I'm off to a curcuit training class tomorrow and I've got my pump it up dvd out, plus I dusted off the dogs lead earlier and took her on a walk, lol SAM_0050.jpg This is scout, shes 7 months old now, show type cocker (mental) spaniel, she was rather happy of the walk haha

I want to fit into all my old clothes, and I am determined I shall haha no no! WE shall :D
Feeling much better today thank you how are you? I did indeed join the gym! And I sweated it out on this fitness thing for half an hour and I was knackered by the end of it, it's like circuit training lol I even walked the dog for half hour too and later I'm off to scouts as I'm a leader where we will prob be doing outside games eep lol I'm like the Barrie doll leader I'm only doing it to look good on my PGCE app but I've begun to enjoy it haha just made the tea here's a snap of it

This is bachelors pilau rice with chicken fillet spring onion cherry tomatoes red pepper jerk seasoning and tinned tomatoes lol just tucking In now :) 100% Syn free xx


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Haha brill! My bf is a body builder and he says the meals are good for his diet too, high protein etc it is a good diet and varied I was more worried at how slow the weight is coming off as with calorie counting I had lost 3 stone in a matter of months lol x
19th and 20th went out the window completely wrong lol


HeA: 375 ml milk
HeB: allisons slice

2x scrambled eggs with mushrooms on toast

Pasta n sauce (synned)
Onka fat free vanilla yogurt in my ice cream maker mmmm

Bachelors savoury pilau rice with jerk seasoned chicken, spring onions, tomatoes, red peppers, tinned tomatoes,

Hifi bar 6
Pasta n sauce whole grain carbonara 1.5
French fries 4
Hot choc 2

Total 13.5

Half hour fitness circuit at the gym
Half hour dog walking

Today has been good :)
Tonight's tea, salt and pepper chicken and sweet potato chips it blew my mouth off! Lol

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What haven't I eaten tonight :-( bugger, weigh in tomorrow too, 2nd week on this and I haven't stuck to it for a whole week once yet, I'm gonna have to pull my socks up! X

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Well this morning was weigh in, 1 and 1/2 lb on! Sugar :-( 14.3 1/2 Bahhh, I know where I'm going wrong, just over eating completely, women there were having 4lb loss etc so I felt just crappy, so went to the gym and did a spinning class, omfg omfg! Pain, pain pain! I also sweated in places I didn't know I had! I will loose this now, that gave me a boost, and when I got in I took my dog on a walk too. For the rest of the day I have a house to clean, a few errands to run, and I'll walk the dog once the suns gone down later.

Annoying thing is, I know how to do this diet, I know it has weight loss too, and I know I hate the way I'm looking atm, so that should all add up to weight loss shouldn't it? Lol you'd think!
I am going printing off them fat pictures later too haha x

Hope everyone's having a good day x
I feel really utterly crap at the mo, i'm just so frumpy, and bleh and I made the mistake of walking over to the mirror butt naked and having a peep, not only did it knock me ill! I just feel a little out of control. I am sorry for moaning, if I was reading this from another perspective I'd tell me to get a grip and pull myself to together,

I'm not some depressive person, but I just feel quite down, part of it is probably down to loosing my full time job which I actually didn't mind, and now I just see no goals! Can't get on my teacher training course, can't get a proper job, and can't get thin! Everything feels impossible, especially having a baby next year, I know I don't want to do it looking and feeling like this!

I just don't know what to do anymore, diet wise, I've decided I will stick to it PROPERLY this week with the added bonus of going to the gym, and walking the pooch, and if I don't have a substantial weight loss next week I'm going back to calorie counting


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