I've been really busy the past few days, as you have probably noticed. I've been working on the pond while we have had some good weather. It's built on the lawn and has decking around it. The decking was looking a bit shabby, so I decided to replace it with new stuff. So since Wednesday, I've cut it all to size, drilled and screwed it in place and stained it.
I've still got 4 pieces of decking to do, to go around the top, and I also have to make a frame for a net cover. Then I have a new filter to install. Maybe I'll post some photos when I'm done.
It's really taken a lot out of me. Thursday was an absolute killer. I've had an extra meal the last 2 days to try and feed my body a bit more energy, as I'm concerned I might affect my losses by the huge increase in activity.
I'm actually going an extra couple of days until my next weigh in anyway, as Thursday will be the crossover to Exante.