Fat boy starts today!

Hey folks, lost 8.5lbs on my weigh in for week one :) happy with that! Feels like a huge relief knowing today is day 7, I just started a new uni course today aswell and it's so hectic so hopefully will keep my mind off for the next 4 weeks lol all the best to you all hope you are doing well! Oh i just noticed the post has been moved to weight loss diaries! :D
Well done for surviving the week, and in such good humour... Or so it sounds like from your highly entertaining posts :D

I am suffering from end-of-week ennui... The novelty has indeed worn off and the slog is hard... But there's a reason why we're doing all this, so I'm trying to remind myself of this and focus!!

How does it feel to have a week done? Has it helped with your resolve?
Well done!! Thats an amazing first week! You must be over the moon with that! Good luck with the uni course xx
lol GroverGirl thank you very much and well done to you aswell for completing your first week! Yeah I think now knowing that the first week is over, for some reason in my head it's like i've reached the top of the hill, it isn't going to get any worse (well I pray anyway lol)... I went and got my second bag of lipotrim, I am just holding all of the plastic bags and once I have 8 of them I will be happy, I have 2 at the moment ;) hahaha we all have to be creative in some way to get through this! Oh and yes, i'm a bit of a humourist and eternal optimist! Gotta keep the spirits high for all of us. So is this your first time?

Never guess what... I took a huge gamble and got the flapjacks... and chicken soup! I know i've heard so much bad feedback about the flapjacks, but I can't knock it till I try it... and I want something to bite into, even if it tastes like cardboard... my pharmacist told me that she tried one of the flapjacks... and they were disgusting lol! The chicken soup i'm hoping will be something a little different as someone said it tasted like the 'stuff out of a vending machine' but to me, not eating for a whole week... vending machine soup sounds delicious right now!

Thanks Kay, yep if i don't lose weight due to lipotrim i'm sure Uni will make me drop the pounds lol
I am glad to say that my chicken burger crave has finally died, it will be back like the terminator though, funnily enough I had a craving for beans on toast today, and I can say that it's the first time ever... for all the ladies here that have been pregnant, is this what it feels like? lol to want to eat the most randomest foods i'd never usually even think about?
Well done Bubz :) soo happy for u. Ive to get my weigh in tomorrow morning as I had few meetings in work. Hope I do as well lol ohh I had the soup it wasnt for me yeuch lol not sure if our chemist hss flspjacks. Do you get a week supply? Its £45 over here.
Lol yeah I think I may be spewing after too but I'll try it on a day when my mood is feeling better, haha :p oh hope the weigh in goes well. i'm sure you will have done very well! Let us know how it goes. Yep I see them every week and they give me the supply every week!
Bubz I lost 11lbs whoop :scale: Got a flapjack as well so will try it during the week, I know the 1st week is mostly water and it will slow down. Feel ok today, just had a chocolate shake, brought my hand blender into work and it was really nice :coffee:
Yay, well done Debbie that is fantastic! You know what about 6lbs of it is probably water but i'm sure the rest must be off the fat stores! That is fantastic news!!! Oh and PLEASE DO NOT EAT THE FLAPJACK!! lol I just tried one and hated it, i managed to some how chomp 75% of one, but I have another one and i'm not going to eat it... try it, don't get me wrong you might like it but honestly I started off trying to be positive and telling myself I could get through but honestly by 75% I literally had to spit it out, gosh I hope it goes ok for you, let me know how it goes!!

And yes, day 8, check us out!! Did you try chicken soup? I have that but I don't know when to have that one lol
Woohoooo well done everybody keep up the good work.u will all be skinny minnies in no time :D:D
Aww Bubz, I was hoping you might've said the flapjacks were vaguely tolerable! It would've been nice to have something to chew, or something a bit more portable and less freakish for work. Are they really rank? On, like, a scale of 1-10?
Bubz the soup to me was putrid lol i only got the one flapjack but after the soup I didnt think it could get sny worse lol. Im still having hunger pains lol
My pharmacy hasnt shown me these flat jacks,can i have it instead of a shake then?
Yep u sure can:)
I might ask next time then. Just weird how she never told me about them.
Hey me and my husband are trying for a baby....again! YAY!
Hey congrats letaylor, hope you have a healthy lil one :)

Debbie, have you tried it yet? lol let me know, you might like it but me personally, it was as bad as the reviews I had read but then again you never know - some people have the knack for it. It actually looks delicious, that's the worst part it looks like food!

Grovergirl honeslty, I found it really rank! Like the box was full of them because nobody takes them lol they literally suck all the saliva out of your mouth so you must drink it with water, I tried but i ended up heeving and had to throw it out... I was supposed to have 2 but only had 3/4 of one, so today is my first day of having less formula then i'm supposed to (and I hate breaking rules but that's how bad I found it). I would say to you if you really are intrigued then go out and try one, but please please please come back and let me know how you got on, cos' I want to hear the funny story lol I can't wait for Debbies reaction :p I am hoping it's a positive one though chuck! :D
I'm sticking up for the flapjacks here, I quite like them! Well the peanut one anyway, not so keen on the coconut one. They do take me ages to eat (about an hour!) because I just have little nibbles and you do need plenty of water, I get through about 2 pints when I'm eating one but they are nice for a change especially if you just want to chew something plus they are very handy if you are out and about. I've also found them handy on a Saturday night when the whole family are sat down in front of the TV with their nibbles I save my flapjack for that so it doesn't feel like you're missing out! My kids are always nagging for a bit! I think the longer you go on LT the nicer they taste! Well done Bubz you are doing fantastic!
Thank you busymum Lol yeah I think actually if you ate 1 within on hour, it actually can be tolerable... because I had a few bites first and it was ok, but I tried eating it all in one go so it went from being managable unto this really horrible feeling lol I ended up binning mine but I think your technique is good!

I just had a chocolate milkshake, absolutely adore that stuff compared to anything else, I think I could easily just drink the choloate milkshakes everyday for like 4 months without getting bored, it just tastes like a really good quality protein shake!