From having to have this emergency eating day, I have actually had a chance to reflect and think about a lot of things - I suppose as I had not planned to eat for a further 4 weeks, that moment when I had to eat came as a real suprise. I broke the diet with some chicken and rice, which was deliciously prepared at my families house - to be honest, I was actually quite scared to eat it - I had read that going weeks without eating shrinks your stomach and that you need to eat again slowely... but once I got eating, I hardly ate anything! I had a small plate of rice, with only a few peices of chicken and like 1 tiny cut of lamb... this would have been like a starter for me in the past, or atleast only half of the meal... but actually I was stuffed! So my stomach has certainly shrunk...
Also, since I had broken the diet, I thought screw it, let me go have that burger and chips I have been craving for... once I put it in my mouth, I realised it was not as tasty as I had fantasized... I really found myself back in the reality of what food actually is, and i feel I would have been much happier with fresh foods such as a boiled potato and some vegetables than with anything fried - the fried food didn't taste nice! :O so it's not a joke about the LT diet changing your perception on food, in all honestly it really has... and now that I am back on the diet I feel any craving I get now I will laugh at... as I know what the costs of eating it are... feeling crap and guilty, for food that actually isn't so delicious to me. The chips smell of oil (new smelling perceptions?!) and the burger isn't half as enjoyable when you perceive it as being so bad for your health. In all honestly, I just wanted to get back on the diet... I realise that I feel so much healthier on the LT diet, and coming to realise that the human body does not need half as much food as we consume here in the west! Now I understand how people around the world (well for the most part) are able to survive on only some few small morsals of food.
Anyway, Lindopski posted a link on one of the threads which is a really motivating and fantastic website - it has artificial pictures of what 1,5 and 100lbs of simulated fat looks like... it is so interesting I wanted to share it with all my chums on here so check it out:
What 1lb Of Fat Really Looks Like (Scary Photos) | Body Transformation Lab
Final words of reflection I suppose are that, if you get a craving and the food feels irresistable, I believe from my experience that once you eat it you will be like "what's all the hype about", as I have had a very beneficial and unexpected wake up call... I am sure my mind will still crave for the next 4 weeks, but in a suprising turn of fate I now also have the reality of it too

my best tip for those who are having a craving is a great psychological tip - when you crave it, close your eyes and imagine you are eating it... as for us, we only tend to let our cravings get to the fantasy stage of wanting it... push it further and imagine eating/drinking it and it will help (it really helped me get through in the 4th week!).