Hiya I have been added on to the fantastic fat fighters team. My name is Anne and Im 32 - I have 2 little boys 2 and 10 months and am on the rocky road of losing all my baby weight and a little extra. I was 10 stone 4 before I got pregnant with my first and I am now 11 stone 10lbs so getting there slowly. I am delighted with this team for new motivation its hard to stay on track all the time so any little bit of motivation helps!! Looking forward to getting to know you all
welcome hun!!
firstly huuuuuge congrats on your loss so far, WMBB is the girl to ask how many sausages youve lost its great to have something solid to realise just how well youve done, for instance the person moaning about only loosing a pound does not realise that its 8 sausages!!!! crazy!!!
ill google a weight equivalent thing and we can all have a bit of fun with that