Fat Head.

Hi Leanne,

Thanks for the info...I searched on youtube and it came up with two parts of 'big fat fiasco'...not sure if that was it, but if not, then it's worth a watch, amazing stuff but does make you so cross about the science behind 'healthy' eating.

Hugs xx

Thank you! It's the same producer and seems to be even more in depth than the original "Fat Head". It seems to be in three parts. Well worth a watch I think, I will be having a good watch of it tomorrow.
Well, I just watched it and I reckon everyone should watch it. Amazing stuff. Bloody government health advisers have a lot to answer for!

It makes you want to spit and stamp with anger that they can literally and figuratively feed people such absolute dross...and present it as science.

hugs xxx
And yet how hard is it to convince people that the carbs and fruit and artificial sweet stuff they eat are good for them!

Boo to the Potato Growers Board, hiss to the US marketing department that thought up the 5 A Day slogan - adopted as healthy eating the world round - but full of sugar!
Oh, I know...a friends little boy of 4 had terrible bowel problems and it was only after she saw a consultant who told her off for trying to get him to eat 5 a day (he said it would make him worse and anyone else didn't need to) that she started to believe it is all hype. But rare to find a professional who will admit it : /


Cant see the blog - plse can you post link?
Here you go Katie

"It is the 'experts' who are utterly wrong. 'Eat less, move more' is a load of tosh. The only way to lose weight AND keep it off is to avoid processed carbohydrates. A high fat, high protein and high green vegetable diet is easy to follow. I adopted this diet last August and not only dropped from 16 stone with a 40 inch waist to 11.5 stone with a 32 inch waist (and am going to go shopping tomorrow for some 30 inch jeans) but I am still losing weight, and I haven't spent a single minute hungry in the last year. If your 'diet' is based on carbohydrates you will always be hungry, and you cannot lose weight permanently. It is the mantra that we should avoid fat and meat, and eat 'manufactured packet food' that got us to this obesity crisis."
- George, London, 26/7/2011 17:08

Thanks Susie. The more reinforcement the better :D