Weekly update
Well another week over with..... Roll on this week! I was a little naughty last night, I had midnight munchies which made me over eat grrr...... So I am on extra good behaviour this week...... I am doing a load of exercise classes as well so that should help, I've got legs, bums and tums tonight then tomorrow I'm gonna fit in a Zumba Thursday is another Zumba class and Friday aerobics

plus I want to fit in my 30 day shred, I'm at home this week so I will try at lunch time or 1st thing to fit that in ( will up date on that once I've given that a try) I am aiming to drink more this week...... I think one of my weeknesses is not drinking enough, I think I mistake my body asking for a drink of I want food lol...... Been like it all my life, I've never been a big drinker but I will change that this week....
Also I am planning to have a cost saving month, I find that I spend of a load on crap and have nothing really to show at the end of each month, plus I want to clear my credit card..... So I have put in a budget planner and I am going to try my hardest to keep to plan..... I am also taking out the cash I have put to one side for the food shopping and I will use that when I go shopping instead of using my debt card, I thinking this will keep me to a nice budget..... I find the a ave shop costs about £80 a week, take covers our lunches, breakfasts and tea's for 7 days. We already do a menu plan for the week and I work out what we need for that week. I still over buy of some things like freezer foods if on offer, or a multipack if works out cheaper but I'm getting better, I tend to stick to the list, so I am going to try and improve on this too.....
I have also gone through my dd, and out goings on my account and cancelled anything we are to really using, ie: love film, mag sub, down graded sky from the full package as we never watch sports lol..... I like to do this sort of thing every now and again to have a sort out
Also I need a little hobby for the evenings now it's getting darker, some thing that doesn't take up a lot of room..... I like crafe things, have tried knitting and I can cross stitch but I'm looking for something new, any ideas??
I had a yummy breakfast this morning of toast, beans and a scrambled egg, I am really liking beans at the moment, can't say they are liking me at the moment if you know what I mean