*** February Challenge*** jump on board!

I weighed myself on Sunday and I had lost 4lb well done everyone :)
Thanks Passiflora......when I find out what I have lost this month I can use it as a challenge next month :)
I sts this week so don't think I will make my goal!!!!
I don't know if there is a group challenge or whether we set our own, if so......

I challenge myself to be half a stone lighter on the 18 February - I've got a charity ball to go too, and my gown is hanging on the wardrobe ready. I also challenge myself not to over-indulge at the ball, and be the first on the dancefloor and fling some zumba moves for the DJ!!

Well this was my challenge and I've been to the Docs this morning for my weigh in and I've lost 6lbs. Whilst I'm chuffed that I've lost that, I've not quite made the 7lbs I wanted too for the ball.

As it happens, I found out on Tuesday that charity ball is in conjunction with a local "shoot", and as I don't agree with shooting at all, I don't want to support it in anyway, so we have cancelled our attendance. (I can still support the charity, just in other ways!)

Anyway, my revised goal is to lose 4lbs by the 28th February and that will take me to losing 3 stone exactly!!

Watch this space!!
well done Rach thats great news :)
I ate that goal up tee hee :)

Thankyou :)
i missed it by a tiny bit :(