Fed up and ready to change!

:( it'll come in time chick. Takes a while to get out of the habits :) xx
Hia Donna :) thanks chick, having an okay weekend. I just can't get into the swing of this whole diet thing! :( I just can't help myself when it comes to eating crappy foods. Chocolate, wotsits, pringles, more chocolate. I just want to eat and eat and eat!
Try not to have them at home - and within a few weeks those cravings stop as you start to enjoy the taste of good food I promise x
Sooooooo been avoiding this lately because I've done so crappy. My bf persuaded me that it would be a good idea to order pizza on Sunday night and since then I felt like crap :( I don't know hwy I bother because it only makes me feel sick, like all night I had heart burn and all the next day I felt like crap.
yesterday was better though, still haven't got my sleeping patterns sorted but I'm in college at 9 on Thursday so that's going to be a shock to my system! Anyway, yesterday I ate a tuna melt fir my lunch and then had (a big bowl) of pasta for my tea and that was all I ate.
This whole sleeping thing is really starting to get me down though, it makes me feel miserable to sleep all day, I don't feel good about it and it make me feel like everyone else just thinks I'm lazy :(
Can't decide what to have for tea! I've only had apiece of toast, half a cheese sandwich and and milky bar yogurt today so I've go like 800 cals left. There's next to know food in though so we were gonna walk up to tesco an get some food but I don't know if we will or not. If we don't that pretty much leaves me with beans of toast or soup and I don't want to eat mor bread and soup won't be filling enough :/
Hi, I have a problem with binging too. It's the worst in the evenings and I really struggle not to stuff my face! I'm trying to get round it by buying weight watchers chocolate or mini versions of chocolate bars so I can have a little treat and not feel too guilty.

How about a jacket potato and tuna for tea? Filling and healthy :)
Late at night is the worst time and I can feel I'm getting really hungry now but I'm at my bf's house so I feel awkward just helping myself.
He takes the piss as well because I've waited at his house all day whilst he's been at work bored out of my brain and now he's got home and he went to put on **** about cars which I'm sick of watching and now he's fallen asleep! and because he can't be arsed then eating that means that I have to wait for him to get off his arse. I'm really not happy now! He knows that I am really struggling with this but he's just so selfish!!! As long as he's happy he couldn't give a **** how I feel! This is the sort of thing that makes me want to go to the shop and buy a load of crap because I'm starving and now pissed off as well. He really does do my head in! HE'S JUST SO SELFISH!!! Sorry, but I needed to get that out.

He's aslo the sort of person that can eat anything and never gain weight at all and then he tries to talk to me about dieting and stuff and it just annoys me because he talks about it like it's nothing and it's really easy but it's just not! Anyone that's been through it will know that. I can tell I'm hungry because I'm starting to feel more and more agitated just thinking about it. my mood is definitely ruled by my blood sugar, if I had a full stomach right now, him being asleep on the couch porbably wouldn't be bothering me! Haha

And now I really want baked potato with tuna but there are no potatoes :(
I think it's gonna have to end up being beans on toast...sigh

Soooooo...I think need help. This bingeing isn't going to go away on it's own. I'm sick of it now. I want to cry, I want to scream. I just don't know what to do. I was looking at treatment for binge eating disorder and it all sounded really god up until I got to the end and it was £165 per week with and additional £50 per counselling session.
I don't know where to start from and I don't know how to deal with it. All I do know is that it's ruling my life. It's worse than purging because at least if you have a binge you get it all back up so it's more satisfactory than just a binge, you still feel like crap but at least you don't feel guilty because of all those calories going in. Bingeing makes me feel like crap. I feel guilty and depressed after it and before hand and during. I'll be eating something and I'll be thinking the whole time "I shouldn't be eating this, I should definitely not being eating this, what are you doing??? Put it down! You'd already eaten 2 chocolate bars, why do you need another?!?".
I feel lost right now, I feel like no one can help me, like no one around me know's how it feels. my bf certainly doesn't understand, he just give me horrible like I'm pathetic when I reach out for more food. He doesn't get it though and sometimes I just want to scream at him because he doesn't know how it feels, he doesn't know what it's like to hate yourself because that's how i feel, I hate myself and I know I can't be the only one but it feels like that with the people around me. My dads a fitness freak and my nan's just horrible when it comes to food and exercise and weight etc she's always criticizing me saying things about my weight and my appearance and that I'm not lady like. I'm sick of it! The other week I had a break out on my chin and I got in to the car and she actually recoiled in shock, hand over mouth and said (actual words she used) "What's happened to your face?!?" like it was the worst thing in the world and then she goes on to tell me all about how I need tom wear makeup and make an effort with my appearance and try to look prettier!

Wow, that went off on a tangent a bit there. Basically I need help and I don't know where to go to or how to go about it. I'm so lost with all of this. I've been trying to tell myself that I'll get over it and will power will be enough but truth is, I can't do it on sheer will power alone.

Sorry to rant but I have no where else to turn to xxx​
Aww Hun I really feel for you. You're right it is hard and at times you do feel alone but we are all here to support you.

Have you thought about seeing your gp about the way you're feeling? They may be able to refer you for counselling. Xx
Oh Hannah, big hug - do you feel better for getting that off your chest - Men are pigs - my husband is as selfish as yours - so you're not alone there - next time pack up a picnic to take with you - but don't bother doing him any! he will soon get the message

As for your Nan - old people seem to think they have a right to say whatever they want regardless who it hurts- I know I run a sheltered housing complex and the things that some of them have said to me if anyone else had said it I probably would have slapped their face...just ignore her - I know its hard but she is probably thinking you need tough love and that she is the one to give it to you

Def go and see your gp - I had a bulimic stage many years ago and my gp was brilliant - and things would have improved in the years since. Make that appointment today before the anger subsides - we're all here to support you, BIG HUG xxx
Thank you! In the end I just ade myself some soup and left him to starve, I'm sick of having to base my life around him and his eating patterns. I do feel better for getting it off my chest. I went to the doctors a few weeks ago about depression and I did bring it up but didn't really go into detail with it. I was supposed to go back the other day but completely forgot about it, my memory is soooooo bad :S I've had a really nervous feeling all day as well and I'm not completely sure why, my guess is a whole host of things. I think I need to just crack down and go to the doctors and deal with this.

As for my nan, she'd just tactless and she thinks she's doing it for the greater good but in actual fact it just makes me feel bad, she still does it to my mum as well and bare in mind she's my dad's mum and my mum and dad split up too long ago for me to even remember. I have told her a few time when she's been on at me to leave me alone and that I'm perfectly happy not being a 'lady' but this doesn't seem to change her feelings about me and how I'm not the perfect child. It wouldn't surprise me if she sent me off packing to finishing school!!

Right, I'm going to go and ring the doctors!!
Hey sorry I'm just jumping in on your thread. What about writing down all the things you are feeling and wheb you go take it with you and just read it out so you don't forget anything and tell them everything. I had post natal depression after my first son ( know its not the same) but I kept it hidden and it only made things much worse for me and took longer to get better. Talking to someone bout it deffo helps.
Hey :) feel free to jump in, the more the merrier ;) that's not a bad idea. It's weird because I'm very into psychology and all the jazz and even plan to go to uni and do a degree in it so I know a lot about the signs and treatment and I have a lot of back ground knowlege on eating disorders as I have done essays and stuff about it when I did my As levels and I've done presentations on it at college and stuff and I'm happy to tell other people what to do but when it comes to myself it's like a mental block. Just no cluexx
It's a combination of things holding you back chick. You definitely need a good frame of mind to be successful at weight loss and having supportive people around you will magnify your success at it. You will get there, just takes time.

Good on you for making the appointment, and now we know the date we can remind you :)
deffo right it all down, keep an emotion and food diary and chances are you'll probably see a link to your bingeing, not sleeping and relationships with certain people. Xx
Thank you! In the end I just ade myself some soup and left him to starve, I'm sick of having to base my life around him and his eating patterns. I do feel better for getting it off my chest. I went to the doctors a few weeks ago about depression and I did bring it up but didn't really go into detail with it. I was supposed to go back the other day but completely forgot about it, my memory is soooooo bad :S I've had a really nervous feeling all day as well and I'm not completely sure why, my guess is a whole host of things. I think I need to just crack down and go to the doctors and deal with this.

As for my nan, she'd just tactless and she thinks she's doing it for the greater good but in actual fact it just makes me feel bad, she still does it to my mum as well and bare in mind she's my dad's mum and my mum and dad split up too long ago for me to even remember. I have told her a few time when she's been on at me to leave me alone and that I'm perfectly happy not being a 'lady' but this doesn't seem to change her feelings about me and how I'm not the perfect child. It wouldn't surprise me if she sent me off packing to finishing school!!

Right, I'm going to go and ring the doctors!!
Ask your Nan if she can pack my daughter off too lol! she is such a tomboy
Appointment made. 10:20 on the 29th. The only thing is though, I don't know what to say when I get there, like how to bring it up, how to start, what to tell her etc....
Well done - bullet point how you are feelign and your symptoms - if you need help - look up the signs of depression and write down all the ones you suffer from (it will probably be all of them), right down your feelings, the fact that you purge, your confidence, lack of self-esteem etc
Hey sorry I'm just jumping in on your thread. What about writing down all the things you are feeling and wheb you go take it with you and just read it out so you don't forget anything and tell them everything. I had post natal depression after my first son ( know its not the same) but I kept it hidden and it only made things much worse for me and took longer to get better. Talking to someone bout it deffo helps.
Sound advice x
I will sort myself out but for now I think I'm going to forget full on dieting, try not to go crazy but leave really trying for now. Till I've been to the docs that is. I will see what happens when I go and what she says. I will keep posting till then of course though.

Btw, weight myself this morning and I've managed to loose another pound :) lost nearly half a stone xxx
Hello again :)
So I haven't posted in ages because I've just felt so down and then that just makes me want to eat and eat and eat but I thought today that if I'd had carried on the way I was going before hand then I probably would have lost at least a stone by now! So that's, in turn, made me think...JUST GET ON WITH IT AND STOP MAKING EXCUSES!

My plan!! Get an electric cigarette and use that when I feel hungry. I will not be having any nicotine in it however as I am not a smoker/have not been for about 2 years. Anyway, I've heard that they're supposed to be good for losing weight so I thought I'd give it a go. You can get flavours and stuff so you get the taste but without the calories :) and worst come to worse, all I've done is spent a bit of money that I would have otherwise spent on food! :D

Wish me luck as I (re)start my weight loss :)xx