Try not to have them at home - and within a few weeks those cravings stop as you start to enjoy the taste of good food I promise xHia Donnathanks chick, having an okay weekend. I just can't get into the swing of this whole diet thing!
I just can't help myself when it comes to eating crappy foods. Chocolate, wotsits, pringles, more chocolate. I just want to eat and eat and eat!
Ask your Nan if she can pack my daughter off too lol! she is such a tomboyThank you! In the end I just ade myself some soup and left him to starve, I'm sick of having to base my life around him and his eating patterns. I do feel better for getting it off my chest. I went to the doctors a few weeks ago about depression and I did bring it up but didn't really go into detail with it. I was supposed to go back the other day but completely forgot about it, my memory is soooooo bad :S I've had a really nervous feeling all day as well and I'm not completely sure why, my guess is a whole host of things. I think I need to just crack down and go to the doctors and deal with this.
As for my nan, she'd just tactless and she thinks she's doing it for the greater good but in actual fact it just makes me feel bad, she still does it to my mum as well and bare in mind she's my dad's mum and my mum and dad split up too long ago for me to even remember. I have told her a few time when she's been on at me to leave me alone and that I'm perfectly happy not being a 'lady' but this doesn't seem to change her feelings about me and how I'm not the perfect child. It wouldn't surprise me if she sent me off packing to finishing school!!
Right, I'm going to go and ring the doctors!!
Well done - bullet point how you are feelign and your symptoms - if you need help - look up the signs of depression and write down all the ones you suffer from (it will probably be all of them), right down your feelings, the fact that you purge, your confidence, lack of self-esteem etcAppointment made. 10:20 on the 29th. The only thing is though, I don't know what to say when I get there, like how to bring it up, how to start, what to tell her etc....
Sound advice xHey sorry I'm just jumping in on your thread. What about writing down all the things you are feeling and wheb you go take it with you and just read it out so you don't forget anything and tell them everything. I had post natal depression after my first son ( know its not the same) but I kept it hidden and it only made things much worse for me and took longer to get better. Talking to someone bout it deffo helps.
WELL DONE!!! THAT'S FLIPPIN BRILLIANT XXXI will sort myself out but for now I think I'm going to forget full on dieting, try not to go crazy but leave really trying for now. Till I've been to the docs that is. I will see what happens when I go and what she says. I will keep posting till then of course though.
Btw, weight myself this morning and I've managed to loose another poundlost nearly half a stone xxx