Feeling bored, deprived and pi@@ed off


is gonna do it!!
God this is so hard innit. Friday night and nothing to look forward to. This is where I get down in the dumps. Wish I could go to sleep for 6 months and wake up slim, it's so BORING being on a diet. 6 bloody months it's gonna tAke me to get to my weight I wanna be. May aswell become a nun ! Sorry for the rant but feel so down. Ate 3 slices of luncheon meat and ran upstIrs before I do more damage. Arrrghhh I want a vodka!!!!!
I was like this earlier, but have just pampered myself and I feel much better now.

Take one week at a time, and don't forget that while it might take 6 months for your goal weight, you will be feeling better and better as each week passes and you start to shrink.
Must be something in the air tonight I think lol. I am feeling the same, just want to stuff my face, preferably with chocolate and a bottle or red wine. Started a post earlier asking for help, quickly coz I was on the verge of eating a box of Milk Tray. Got over it and I am feeling ok(ish) now but still hungry. Wish I could be stranded on a desert island for 6 months and when a big ship full of handsome sailors saved me I'd be beautiful and slim and tanned hahaha. God, I'm sad lol
Try not to think about how much you're missing out on, that will make you feel more deprived!

And yes 6 months without food seems like a long time but remember there are some of us here who have been and will be on the diet longer than that (me included, about a year for me) so count yourself lucky there!
Also just 6 months of going without and you will be slim and gorgeous, in 6 teeny months, you'll be at goal before you know it :D
Thanks girls, I'm over it now. I'm not gonna fail, it would please too many people and I can't be hearing told ya so!!!
The weekend is finally here and we can only feast on shakes, bars and soups.....Ahhhh well!!!! Let everyone around us stuff their faces, as the saying goes...A moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips!!! Well not for us ladies/gents! We're going to be lovely and slim and full of beans!!! Not chubby, sluggish and pumping out beans!!

Moti17....You say 6 months to lose the weight?? I say: Good things come to those who wait :) :)
I have moments where I think wish I could have a takeaway or sunday roast BUT I think of something else I could do that I will enjoy. Although we are on Exante for a certain amount of time I think we need to be creative and think of other things to do with friends and family rather than eat as we cant go back to pigging out, snacking etc when we are target weight. We usually have real cosy family weekends, with takeaways, dvds, popcorn and sweeties. Its all changed in our house already. We are going woodland walks, playing board games and dinner time although I cant join it yet is much healther with chicken, steammed veg and low carbs.

Dont think of this as being deprived, just think we need to change our habbits now for when we get off Exante!

Good luck and glad the feeling passed!
Why don't you plan a WS meal into a Friday night? If its planned, you can shop accordingly, have something to look forward to, break up the monotony and as its planned you shouldn't feel guilty and therefore dive into the first hg of crisps you see.

Even planning one every 2 weeks hold work and I can't see it ruining all theirs Orkney you're currently putting in.

Good luck and I hope all goes well. X