I started off doing low carb -
www.dietdoctor.com - slowly and still eating well I was shedding. In retrospect, I wasn't putting enough effort in. I think if I'd planned better and combined less than 20g carb a day with 1000 or 1200 calories and maybe some intermittent fasting or 5-2 I would have lost lots more. I wasn't tracking everything every day.
So with the collapse of my relationship, I decided to accelerate - and am doing a vlcd that is medically monitored at a clinic. It's called Alevere - 5 sachets a day (sweet and or savory - some shakes - some cooked) plus salads, low carb fruit and veg twice a day - some on a free list - others (tomatoes, berries, onions etc) a max total of 100g, plus minerals, supplements etc. Monthly bloodtests and review with the clinics GP. So I've not had any keto flu and feel great. It also has some weekly treatments - which shape the body and help the skin retract. Pretty important to me as I have 100lbs+ to shed. I'm not sure what my final weight will be - size 14 is my target and I have a classic size 16 LK Bennett suit (jacket, dress and trews) I got in TK Maxx Kensington (great for up market brands) some years ago I'd like to fit into.
A few things that help me:
1) reading the forums here and when I was keto - the reddit on keto and 1200 calories. I don't always post due to my living situation - but read and cheerlead others. It inspires me to see y'all doing so well and people getting back on track when life disrupts them.
2) I daily weigh. I log it on MFP and Fitday. MFP as I have some friends there. Fitday as it has really good report graphs so I can see where I am against plan (currently 5lbs behind my plan). On Fitday, you set the date in the future and can see the forecast of where you will be on future dates, if your goal goes that far ahead.
Weight loss isn't linear. I don't stress if I go up. I just had a weekend off - and shed ony 1lb that week. Then this past week, I'm shedding daily. I travel with my weight scales. I love having the MFP ticker on my profile - especially as I'm almost half way!! Seemed impossibble at the start. My goal is an interim goal as 12 stone seemed impossible. When I hit my interim goal, I'll put 12 stone as my final goal - and go there if I feel it suits me. I certainly will not go to the BMI recommended 10stone or lower. I was last 10 stone when I was in my low teens!!
3) I drink as much pepsi max as I want - even though it's not recommended. Sometimes I drink none and other times a litre!!
4) I took a before picture. I also measured my waist and track that every 4-6 weeks on MFP. I want a waist below 34 - and preferably 32 inches.
5) I did NOT tell people what I was doing. I just tell people what veg or fruit I want. I travel with my scales to measure the veg/fruit on the 100g a day max list. I do not JADE - I don't justify, argue, defend or explain my programme. It's my business. People around me are on an info diet - on what I eat, how much I've lost etc.
6) It takes forever for people to notice if you start very fat. For me - it's around 3 stone. I just smile and say yes or thank you. No JADE-ing!
7) Wear nice clothes. Chuck your big stuff except one pair of trousers and a top. Yr preferred charity shop will love you for the good stuff. Recycle the fabric on those scuzzy t-shirts etc.
8) pack away any smaller clothes into bags by size - so you go and shop yr own closet and liberate them when they'll fit. Any that don't feel good or you wouldn't buy now - get rid! Yes - chuck em. Even if that means you only have a couple of tops and bottoms. Buy in charity shops/ebay/amazon /supermarkets/outletshops so you don't walk around like a clown in oversize clothes. Amazon tips: Figure out which vendors have big brands you know suit you - read the comments as the reviews will tell you the likely brand if they are debranded - eg M&S have take the labels out). Buy things from China that include free returns - in advance as they can take time to arrive. If the quality or fit isn't ok, return them. I bought jeans sizes lower - as I saw good brands. I'm in 18s to 22s now - I like getting into a lower size but don't worry that I still have a George 22-24 jeans which fit my thighs,
9) buy a buckle-less belt (on amazon) if your trousers are too large at the waist.
10) Check yr real bra size with this brilliant bra subreddit
https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/ try to have at least one bra that makes you look and feel good. Mine is from Asda. I'll buy the brands they suggest when I'm at goal.
11) I wrote a long (nearly 100) reasons why i want to be size 14. I wrote some and added more over a couple of weeks. I reveiw it often.
12) Be careful about yr language & selftalk:
https://ucalgary.ca/cdm/files/cdm/changeyourthinkingtohelpmanageyourweight20130412.pdf You are what you think. And stop with seeing food as a "treat" - create a list of alternative ways to reward yrself.
13) I have has one deviation for a very special reunion - and won't have another one. I occassionally have some protein a couple of eggs, 100g chicken or 140g of white fish for a meal - maybe once or twice a month - as approved by my GP. That now seems like a big portion!
14) Developing new habits: I have lots of variety in my salads - and vary it by what I buy week to week. I really like those little cucmbers in Aldi/Lidl/Morrisons, fennel, a little gem a lunch, one sliced raddish - in fact today's salad had 11 ingredients - just a little bit of various things. I'm getting to love salad - and will continue this habit when I am at goal.
15) I am someone who never eats stuff in the car (contrast with old me - MacDs, petrol station swet and savory suff etc). I define myself as the new me. That makes it much easier.
16) I asked my housemate to remove the things I found compelling (crisps, carrs cheese melts. sweet things) from the kitchen. Other things I moved to a new place - so disrupted my old grazing patterns.
17) I'm gathering some exercise things I want to do when settled. In the meantime, I swim when I can get to a pool. I was in a 24 suit and now am in an 18. I'll bike when I have somewhere to live - and today decided I'd do a 13-15 minute weight lifting programme 3 times a week.
18) No alcohol. I just say no thanks - or order myself sparkling water with lime. I don't JADE about this. People care a lot less than you think. If someone presses me, I just say I can't drink at the mo and change the subject.
19) And although I am dammned proud of myself, I don't talk to friends or family about it !!!