Silver Member
Well done on the loss! Xx 15lbs in March is amazing! 
Thanks crazy lady am so pleased as was only aiming for 12lbs really and still another week to go. Though this is usually the STS week annoyingly. Was going to stop once I'd finished current packs but have ordered another months worth. Should have enough now to take me to first week of May as have a family engagement party to go to and for once I want to look and feel amazing! Xx
ah fantastic gla you got your gym membership Hun.Aww i've just caught up on your posts! Feel sad 4 ur daughter heartbreak is the worst thing to go through & poor u having to watch itand uv been a cookie monster lol don't worry the day before yest I had a food day, had a giant Costa caramel coffee, a cheese & onion sandwich & a baked potato with salad, tuna & loaaads of cheese >D so all the moving I prob ruined ha! It won't harm us not like it will put weight back on us just a bit of water & set us back a couple of days. I'm doing a 28 day challenge if u wanna join me? Am on day 2 today & finish on 22nd April which is my bday & going out 4a meal. not weighing myself til then :O so hope i have a nice surprise!!! then having a night out on 23rd which will involve drinking lol. So that's my goal atm, 28 days lol. Then is our anniversary in June & wanna be little for then for a weekend away but will mainly do that thru gym & alternate day fasting. Shame we live so far apart we could be gym buddies! I got my gym subscription
just waiting for induction - a bit scared! xx
thanks crazyladyA. My whole day has been surrounded by food and I weakened to it. However am not going to beat myself up over it as is 1st day I have done that in past 4 weeks.I also ended up eating burger and chips for lunch today.. My husband has been preparing for interview which took up all our time this week going over everything so he wanted to treat me to say thank you now that it's done and dusted.. Oh well.. Back on wagon Tomo. I'm done weighin too as I can see/ feel difference and clothes are fitting that weren't before but scales have hardly moved. I'm not gone weigh for a while.. Too disheartening lol Hope u have better day Tomo girls x