A update on Bobbie.............
It is early morning (12:30am) on 8/17/2011 on the east coast of the USA. Again, let me apologize to anyone I may have forgotten and invite you all to pass this on to those who may be interested. There really is not much to offer as an update. Bobbie had another good day today. (As good as a day in a bed can be.) She is quite tired most of the time and does a lot of napping. She does struggle with short term memory so if you call and she is awake to talk to you she may repeat herself. She also is prone to proffer miss information unintentionally of course). She has been hydrating, though not enough, and eating small bits of food, at least, a couple times a day. Bobbie is getting comfortable with having the hospice CNA (Certified Nurses Assistant) come every day (M-F) for roughly 90 minutes to two hours. The CNA helps Bobbie bathe and does little things to help Bobbie. I am home almost 24/7. I do try to work at least one day a week but only when I have someone here with my love. She does not need skilled care yet; but she is a very independent person and therefore can not be left alone. I am trying to 'hang in' and I am trying to keep up with individual emails and texts.
Thanks or thanks again to all of you who have sent prayers, well wishes, condolences and any other form of acknowledgement.
I'll send another update soon.
Love to all.